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Hypnosis Process: Understanding How Hypnotherapy Works for Your Mind and Body

hypnosis process

Frequently Asked Questions:

What Questions do the Hypnotherapist Ask Your Subconscious?

Hypnotherapy can use various techniques to access the subconscious mind and ask questions that can help clients uncover underlying beliefs and behaviors that may be holding them back.

Here are the types of questions that a hypnotherapist may ask during a session and can be classified into several categories:

1. Exploratory questions: These are questions that help the client explore their subconscious mind and uncover underlying beliefs and behaviors that may be holding them back.
2. Reflective questions: These are questions that help the client reflect on their past experiences, relationships, and patterns of thinking and behavior.
3. Empowering questions: These are questions that help the client tap into their inner resources and strengths and find solutions to their challenges.
4. Motivational questions: These are questions that help the client clarify their goals and develop motivation and commitment to achieve them.
5. Solution-focused questions: These are questions that help the client focus on solutions rather than problems, and identify specific steps they can take to achieve their desired outcomes.
6. Healing questions: These are questions that help the client process and heal emotional wounds or past traumas.
7. Future-oriented questions: These are questions that help the client visualize and plan for a positive future, and create a sense of hope and optimism.

What are 3 Things That Hypnosis Is Used For?

Hypnosis is commonly used for three purposes: weight loss, stress and anxiety management, and quitting addiction. However, It has also been effective in many aspects such as treating depression, trauma, phobias, sleep problems and even finding inner guidance.

What are the Steps of Hypnosis?

The steps of hypnosis typically involve Pre-Talk, Hypnosis Induction, Talk With Your Subconscious Mind, Future Pacing to Integration.


Our Clinical Hypnotherapists will guide you into a state of trance similar to daydreaming. By working with your subconscious mind, we will find out the underlying causes of your emotional suffering, and establish desired outcomes for you. To achieve this, we will use various techniques like Inner Child Therapy, Regression, Parts Therapy, Gestalt Therapy, Rewind Technique, and more.