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Cancellation Terms

‘Make It Happen Hypnotherapy’ (MIHH) Missed Appointment Policy

At MIHH, we aim to provide quality health care services to all our clients within the proper time. Any cancellations, late arrivals, or missed appointments would cause inconvenience not only to our team of health care professionals but also to our other clients. Kindly read our policy regarding missed appointments carefully before booking any appointments with us.

Appointment Cancellation

Note that when you book an appointment with us at MIHH, the other clients are unable to avail themselves of our health care services due to the unavailability of additional appointments on our calendar. 

Kindly give us a notice regarding cancellation or rescheduling of appointments at least 24 hours before cancellation or rescheduling in case of individual appointments.

Where no prior notice has been given for missed appointments without any reasons, we will charge a cancellation fee of $40*. 

We do appreciate that short notice may be unavoidable and in such cases, we may exercise discretion.

How to Cancel Your Appointment?

For individual appointments, kindly give us a notice regarding cancellation or rescheduling of appointments at least 24 hours before cancellation or rescheduling. 

This means any appointments canceled less than 24 hours before the appointed time will be considered as ‘Missed Appointments’. Hence, the rules about missed appointments will be applicable in such cases. (*fee applicable)

In case you are unable to attend an appointment with us and want to reschedule or cancel your appointment, please kindly use the confirmation email you received to make changes, or call/ SMS Sandy on 0475-15-9415 to reschedule. Kindly call/SMS Sandy between 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. Australia time.

Remember, your advanced notice will enable other clients to avail of our health care services as it will free up space on our booking calendar.


Our Clinical Hypnotherapists will guide you into a state of trance similar to daydreaming. By working with your subconscious mind, we will find out the underlying causes of your emotional suffering, and establish desired outcomes for you. To achieve this, we will use various techniques like Inner Child Therapy, Regression, Parts Therapy, Gestalt Therapy, Rewind Technique, and more.