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How I Release Trauma from My Body
with Hypno-Breathwork

Release Trauma from my body

Have you ever considered that something as simple as breathing — something we do every second of our lives — can be an extraordinary tool for transformation? It has the potential to unlock and release the deepest, most buried traumas within us.

My recent experience with Hypno-Breathwork was incredible, revealing how trauma, often trapped in our bodies for years, can be consciously released through powerful breathing techniques. This experience reminded me of the immense power within us all to heal and transform our lives.

The Journey Begins: Embracing Hypno-Breathwork

With the intention of deepening my healing and my relationship, I invited my husband to join me in a 5-Day Hypno-Breathwork Challenge led by Fabian, Founder of Hypno-Breathwork, Australia. We embarked on an experience that prove to be both challenging and deeply rewarding.

Before the challenge, I had heard much about the power and benefits of breathwork, but I hadn’t fully grasped its true impact. However, once I participated, everything clicked—I finally understood just how powerful breathwork is, because I experienced its profound effects firsthand.

Diving Deep: The Transformative Session

On the fourth day of the challenge, we had the opportunity to fully immerse ourselves in 1.5 hour Hypno-Breathwork experience. The session began with a pre-talk where Fabian explained that Hypno-Breathwork combines the power of breathwork, hypnosis, and NLP to clear suppressed emotions, release trauma, and reprogram subconscious patterns.

Fabian described the breath as a doorway—a connection between the mind and body, the conscious and unconscious, and even the super conscious mind (higher self). This door is always open; it’s up to us to step through it with eagerness and intention. With all of us carrying generational trauma, Fabian compared breathwork to taking the lid off a pressure cooker, allowing years of stored trauma finally flow out.

He reminded us that the process would be uncomfortable, but encouraged us to push through the barrier, as most people are tempted to give up at the beginning.

Allowing Trapped Energy to Be Released

Fabian’s intentional questions before we began—“What’s holding you back from reaching your higher self? What do you want to let go of?”—set the stage for the powerful work ahead.

The breathing technique itself was simple but required conscious effort: “In in out, in in out”, without stopping. During the journey, there were moments when I nearly drifted off, but Fabian’s words echoed in my mind: “If you stop doing the breathing, you’ll get the same result as before.” So, I kept going, even as my mouth became so dry from breathing.

As I continued to breathe, my body began to respond in surprising ways. My limbs tingled, and electrified sensations ran through my arms and legs—signs that the breathwork was doing its job, releasing trauma from my body.

Revisiting My Younger Self: The Root of Stuck Emotions

During the breathwork, memories from my teenage years resurfaced. I was transported back to a time when I was 13, being tutored relentlessly to prepare for exams. I remembered the overwhelming feeling of inadequacy, of not knowing enough beyond academics, and the shame that came with it. I felt stuck and trapped, burdened by the need to meet my mother’s expectations while forcing myself to learn subjects I had no interest in. I resented myself for not fighting for my freedom, but I didn’t dare to.

These emotions, buried for years, were now being released in a flood of energy. My hands and legs felt electrified, and the somatic experience was intensely real. The energy that had been stored in my system for so long was finally being released.

In that moment, I spoke to my younger self, offering the compassion and understanding I had longed for back then. I reassured her, saying, “You are so much more. You are enough.” I encouraged her to embrace her right to pursue what she loves and to confidently speak up for her needs.

Related: Understanding the Power of Hynotherapy for Trauma Treatment

Forgiveness: Releasing the Past to Embrace the Future

As the session drew to a close, I realized that much of my trauma stemmed from the expectations and pressure placed on me by my mother unconsciously. I had resented her for making me feel like I wasn’t good enough if I didn’t excel academically. But through this experience, I found forgiveness—not just for her, but for myself.

I forgave my mum for her own insecurities, for the fears of inadequacy she had unknowingly passed on to me, rooted in the lack of educational opportunities she faced in her younger years.

I also forgave myself for not speaking up, for not setting boundaries, and for trying so hard to meet my mum’s expectations. I released the guilt of always complying and allowed myself to move forward with a sense of empowerment.

A Vision of Empowerment: Stepping Into My Purpose

In the final moments of the session, a powerful vision came to me. I saw myself speaking to groups of people, arms wide open, telling them, “You are so much more,” just as I had empowered my younger self. I knew, without a doubt, that this is my purpose—to empower others, to help them release their traumas, and to step into their fullest potential. I am committed to breaking the cycle of trauma, setting myself and future generations free.

After the breathwork session, both my husband and I felt an immediate sense of relief. We were lighter, clearer in our minds, as if we had let go of a huge emotional burden. Even my husband, who rarely shows emotional vulnerability, released long-held emotions.

Why Hypno-Breathwork Resonated with Me?

What I found most remarkable about Hypno-Breathwork is its natural and accessible approach:

  • We can naturally enter a hypnotic trance state, allowing our subconscious and unconscious mind to do the work.
  • It is content-free; there’s no need to share our personal stories with the facilitator.
  • Unlike other therapies, Hypno-Breathwork requires minimal talking, yet it facilitates profound emotional release in its own unique way.
  • Once the conscious “monkey mind” is out of the way, the subconscious mind takes charge and leads the journey. All we need to do is keep breathing consciously.
  • I was especially impressed by the simplicity of the breathing technique and how it helped me release so many stuck emotions. The electrified sensations running through my arms and legs were incredibly real, and I felt so much lighter right after the session.

As a hypnotherapist who has explored many modalities to release trauma from my body, I can confidently say that Hypno-Breathwork is one of the most powerful and accessible ways to release emotions and create meaningful shifts. It’s a completely natural process, driven by the simple act of breathing.

Releasing Trauma From My Body for Deep Healing

So, can something as simple as breathing truly help us release trauma that has been stuck in our bodies for years? The answer is a resounding “Yes!”

My Hypno-Breathwork experience was a profound reminder that we all have the power to heal ourselves. By consciously breathing, we can access and release trauma that has been stored in our bodies for years. This process isn’t easy—it requires effort and commitment—but the rewards are immeasurable.

If you feel stuck, if you sense that something is holding you back from being your true self, I encourage you to explore Hypno-Breathwork. Breath by breath, you can transform your life, just as I did.

As Michael Jackson wisely said, “If you want to make the world a better place, take a look at yourself, and make a change.” Your breath is the key to making that change.

Read Next: Can Hypnotherapy Help With Anxiety and Depression?


Our Clinical Hypnotherapists will guide you into a state of trance similar to daydreaming. By working with your subconscious mind, we will find out the underlying causes of your emotional suffering, and establish desired outcomes for you. To achieve this, we will use various techniques like Inner Child Therapy, Regression, Parts Therapy, Gestalt Therapy, Rewind Technique, and more.