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How Addiction Hypnotherapy Can Make You Peaceful and Successful

addiction hypnotherapy

Table of Contents

Table of Contents

Do you spend more time drinking, smoking, eating, or browsing than working or engaging with loved ones? Do you push back assignments and get togethers because you value addiction more?Do you want to break the vicious cycle but cannot? We offer addiction hypnotherapy as a painless and non-invasive solution.

Types of Addiction

Do you think addiction hypnotherapy may not cover every kind of addiction? It can. Common addictions we see in our clients are:

  • Alcohol
  • Smoking or vaping
  • Substance/drug abuse
  • Binge eating
  • Gambling
  • Screen/mobile/gaming
  • Pornography
  • Emotional attacment (To a person, place, or thing)

Do You Have an Addiction?

Find out through this quick “Yes/No” checklist:

  • Do you think you can’t control your cravings?
  • Do you turn to your cravings despite knowing their negative effects?
  • Have you experienced withdrawal symptoms (sweating, shivering, pain) when trying to stop?
  • Do you prioritise your cravings over relationships, work, or hobbies?
  • Have you tried to quit multiple times but failed?
  • Do you find yourself relying on a substance or habit to cope with stress or emotions?
  • Do you feel anxious or angry when you cannot engage in cravings?
  • Do you neglect your responsibilities (work, relationships, health) due to your cravings?
  • Are you constantly preoccupied with thoughts of “getting back” to your cravings?

If you answered “yes” to any of these, you may have an addiction.

5 Reasons Why You Can Get Addicted

Addiction hypnotherapy will work best if you are more aware of your situation. That includes knowing why you got addicted in the first place:

  1. Stress: Especially if you are a workaholic. You may be under high stress and take up drinking, binge-eating, or another bad habit as a stress-reliever.
  2. Emotional Pain: If you had a big fight with a family member or a friend, you may be hurt. Or, you have had a rough breakup. These emotional jolts can make you develop unhealthy habits.
  3. Genetics: It might run in your family. Research shows that substance abuse is genetic.
  4. Societal Pressure: You may start because “Everyone does it”, “Just once!” or, “You are a loser if you don’t do it.” It can quickly change into an addiction.
  5. Lack of Support: Addiction is quite common in lonely people. You can think of a bad craving as a coping strategy because you cannot talk or relate to someone else.

One scary thing is that you may not know that you are stressed, lonely, or pressured.

Risks of Addiction

You prefer it more than anything else, for once. There are other risks, too:

  1. Physical Health Problems: You can develop heart, lung, liver, or brain diseases. Addictions may cause cancer, too.
  2. Mental Illnesses: Addictions can make you anxious, depressed, and angry. Your brain function may slow down, too. As a result, your productivity and progress can decline.
  3. Relationship Damage: Substance abuse, porn, or screen addiction can strain your relationships. You might push your loved ones away to spend more time fulfilling your cravings.
  4. Career Setbacks: If your productivity slows down, your career might suffer. You can miss good opportunities and might even be demoted… or fired.
  5. Financial Issues: Your bank account may get empty quicker than you imagined. You won’t be earning enough because you may not be productive enough. Also, you may be spending more on gambling or substance abuse than building your life. So, you may not have enough money to sustain yourself.

3 Reasons Why Going Cold Turkey Won’t Help

Trying to quit cold turkey can often backfire. Here’s why:

  1. Withdrawal Symptoms: Extreme shivering, sweating, and physical pain are just a few withdrawal symptoms. Your craving might overwhelm you so much that you may not be able to think about anything else. You might miss important appointments and committments, too.
  2. Unresolved Triggers: Cold turkey means that you suppress your emotions instead of facing and resolving them. This doesn’t work. Ultimately, your pent up felings can burst out in the form of a higher level addiction than before. You won’t be able to handle it alone.
  3. Increased Stress: You can be more stressed doing this compared to when you were addicted. So, you may decide that the unhealthy coping mechanisms are better than feeling miserable and facing the realities of life.

That’s why you need a quick, painless, and fulfilling treatment method… a.k.a. Hypnotherapy for addiction.

What is Addiction Hypnotherapy?

It is a treatment method that helps you get rid of your adiction. It reporgrammes your subconscious mind to think of the addiction as gross, disgusting, and unacceptable.

It helps you:

  • Reach into your subconscious
  • Recognise the negative emotions that made you addicted
  • Replace them with positive thoughts to make your conscious mind more positive

As a result, your addictive behaviour lessens or ends. Instead, you may find healthier distractions and become more productive.

Why the Subconscious and Not the Conscious?

Because addiction happens due to your life-long insecurities and fears. Your subconcious mind stores them without you knowing.

  • You may have had a trauma
  • Childhood abuse may have happened

Or, any terrible evemt that hurt you but you suppressed it and “moved on” supposedly. It doesn’t go away if you don’t face and manage it. Instead, it spills into your concious mind. It can make you so anxious that you build unhealthy attachments (i.e. addiction) to distract yourself.

Addiction hypnotherapy helps you accept and resolve those toxic thoughts.

10 Reasons Why Hypnotherapy Is the Best Choice for Addiction

  1. Non-invasive: You don’t have to take medication, needles, or surgery.
  2. No Side Effects: Hypnotherapy doesn’t come with harmful side effects like medicines.
  3. Quick and Effective: You can notice positive changes after just a few (4-6) sessions.
  4. Addresses the Root Cause: It helps your subconscious to recognise and resolve the hidden causes of your addiction.
  5. Makes You Stronger: You learn to control your own behaviours instead of relying on an outside attachment…which is unhealthy.
  6. Holistic Approach: This therapy makes you well mentally, emotionally, and physically. It improves your wellbeing.
  7. Relapse Prevention: Addiction hypnotherapy strengthens your resolve. Also, you may have lower chances of relapse if you keep practising it.
  8. Improved Self-Esteem: Your become more confident about yourself and your capabilities.
  9. Safe for All Ages: Retirees, millenials, Gen Z… Hypnotherapy is suitable for all ages.
  10. Personalised Treatment: Every session is tailored to your specific needs.

How it Helps with Different Types of Addiction

You get a personalised treatment programme for different types of adictions. The main main focuses can be:

Hypnotherapy for Alcohol Addiction

  1. Reduces alcohol cravings by retraining your subconscious.
  2. Breaks your uhealthy connection to alcohol. You can say No to drink under societaly pressure.
  3. Gives you stress-management tips that don’t rely on alcohol.
  4. Builds self-control so you don’t reach out to drink in triggering situations.
  5. Improve your self-image so you can develop healthier coping mechanisms.

Hypnotherapy for Smoking Addiction

  1. Reduces nicotine cravings and the urge to smoke.
  2. Helps you manage stress without needing cigarettes.
  3. Addiction hypnotherapy reprograms your subconscious to think of smoking as toxic.
  4. Reduces stress on your body to protect your lungs.
  5. Increases confidence so you can quit smoking effectively.

Hypnotherapy for Binge Eating

  1. Helps you find out emotional eating triggers, i.e. stress or boredom.
  2. Reduces sugar cravings so you might make healthier meals.
  3. Helps you build a healthier relationship with food and your body.
  4. You can quit random snacking and start portion control.
  5. Supports long-term weight loss without going on a diet for too long.

Hypnotherapy for Emotional Dependency

  1. Helps your subconscious to manage overwhelming emotions without an outside crutch, i.e. a person, place, or thing.
  2. You can break free from a toxic relationship you held on to just because of your emotional attachment.
  3. Reduces anxiety, depression, and feelings of helplessness.
  4. Addiction hypnotherapy makes you emotionally stronger. So, you can cope with life’s challenges bravely.
  5. Improves your wellbeing to make you more self-sufficient.

Hypnotherapy for Screen Addiction

  1. Reduces the compulsion to check your phone, social media, or gaming profile every few seconds.
  2. Helps you control your screen time. You can spare more time and improve your productivity.
  3. You can build a healthier work-life balance if you had less screen time and more me-time.
  4. Improves face-to-face conversations. You might salvage your relationships with this therapy.
  5. Makes you use technology mindfully.

Hypnotherapy for Gambling Addiction

  1. Reprograms the brain’s reward system so you don’t see gambling as the ultimate prize.
  2. Replaces the thrill of gambling with healthier activities.
  3. Helps manage the emotional triggers that make you take gambling as a coping strategy.
  4. Reduces anxiety and guilt on losing in gambling. (Hint: You stop wanting to gamble.)
  5. Makes you a responsible decision-maker and financial manager.

Hypnotherapy for Drug Addiction

  1. Breaks the mental and emotional dependencies associated with drugs.
  2. Reduces cravings and withdrawal symptoms.
  3. Addiction hypnotherapy helps you rebuild your self-worth, making it easier to stop using drugs.
  4. Offers lasting results without the side effects of traditional treatments.
  5. Improves overall mental health, which aids in maintaining sobriety.

MIHH Offers the Best Treatment Because…

We have almost a decade’s experience of helping 750+ satisfied clients.

Our lead hypnotherapist, Sandy, has worked in multiple countries. She has given addiction hypnotherapy to people with several types of addictions.

Also, we have flexible timings because we work both onsite and online. You can schedule your sessions according to your preferences.

We Have Social Proof, Too

Read client I.’s story who was desperate to quit smoking and start a business. He was dissatisfied with his life choices but couldn’t find a way out… except smoking.

Read it in his own words:

Why Did I go to Sandy?

I was a chain smoker for 14 years. I had tried every other treatment aspect, but nothing stuck for long. I was desperate for a solution.

Smoking was affecting my other goals, too. I could not plan a strategy to quit my 9-5 job and start my business. I felt trapped. So, I decided to try hypnotherapy for quitting smoking.

My First Session

Sandy let me speak all I wanted. She asked pointed and broad-meaning questions about my goals and needs. We discussed what I wanted to happen through this therapy. She explained the process to me. Honesty, I didn’t feel uncomfortable in her presence.

How I Felt at the End of My Hypnotherapy Programme

I was smoke-free within a few weeks. I didn’t reach for my cigarette case in stressful situations. Best of all, I found out how to grow as a person. I was able to make a good exit plan from my current job.

Sandy’s POV:

“I. Abdullah was set on leaving his smoking addiction behind. He wanted to live a better life, so he did it”.

In a Nutshell

Addiction hypnotherapy is a quick and effective solution to leave your addictions behind. You can try our personalised holistic hypnotherapy programme to face and manage your issues. Call 047-515-9415 to book a free consultation session to learn more.

Frequently Asked Questions

How Successful Is Hypnotherapy for Addiction?

Research shows that 77% substance abuse cases got better with hypnothrapy. This proves that this treatment method can be effective for helping people who have alcohol, smoking, or drug adiction.

Can Hypnosis Make You Happier?

Yes, it can. Most people experience significant improvements after just a few sessions. The exact number depends on the type of addiction and individual progress.

Does Addiction Hypnotherapy Work for All Types of Addiction?

Yes, hypnotherapy is effective for a wide range of addictions. It includes alcohol, smoking, emotional dependencies, overeating, screen addiction, etc.

Picture of Sandy Wong

Sandy Wong

Written by Sandy Wong
Founder of Make It Happen Hypnotherapy

Clinical Hypnotherapist
QHHT Practitioner
Hypno-Breathwork Practitioner
Certified Havening Techniques Practitioner
NLP Practitioner
Life Coach


Our Clinical Hypnotherapists will guide you into a state of trance similar to daydreaming. By working with your subconscious mind, we will find out the underlying causes of your emotional suffering, and establish desired outcomes for you. To achieve this, we will use various techniques like Inner Child Therapy, Regression, Parts Therapy, Gestalt Therapy, Rewind Technique, and more.