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How I Overcame My Fear of Public Speaking Through a Hypno-Breathwork Session

breathwork session

As a clinical hypnotherapist, I’ve always been captivated by the profound potential of the unconscious mind. It’s a realm where our deepest beliefs, memories, and emotions reside—a place where true healing begins. Recently, I embarked on a journey of Hypno-Breathwork training, a modality that combines the transformative power of breathwork with the deep access to the unconscious mind that hypnotherapy offers.

This is my second time experiencing a Breathwork session, and it’s been nothing short of revelatory. In this blog, I want to share my personal journey, the shifts I’ve experienced, and how the power of the unconscious mind has begun to reshape my beliefs and transform my unconscious fears of public speaking.

What Happens in a Hypno-Breathwork Session?

Before diving into my personal experience, let’s explore what a Hypno-Breathwork session entails. Hypno-Breathwork is a unique fusion of hypnotic techniques and conscious breathing exercises. The purpose of this practice is to bypass the conscious mind and tap directly into the unconscious, where deep-seated beliefs and emotions lie hidden. It’s in this space that we can identify and release limiting beliefs, heal past traumas, and experience profound emotional releases.

During a Hypno-Breathwork session, the breathing technique involves a rhythmic pattern: in-in-out. This means you inhale twice in quick succession, followed by a single exhale. The breathwork is continuous and non-stop, which can be challenging as your mouth may get dry, and you might feel lightheaded. However, it’s crucial to push through these sensations, as they are an essential part of the process that allows deeper access to the unconscious mind. And when we come out on the other side, we will embrace a new sense of empowerment and awesomeness.

My Hypno-Breathwork Journey

Having undergone my first Breathwork group session with significant emotional release, I approached my second session with a sense of anticipation and curiosity. This time, I set a clear intention: to overcome my fear of public speaking and let go of the anxiety that had plagued me for years. Little did I know that this intention would unlock a door to a memory I had long buried—a memory that had been silently shaping my life.

As the session began, I focused on the in-in-out breathing pattern, feeling my body relax and my mind drift into an altered state of consciousness. Our Hypno-Breathwork facilitator, Fabian, guided me deeper with his voice, encouraging us to imagine our mind lifting all the way up, as if it were floating out of our body. Before long, I found myself transported back to my high school years—a time when my love for singing was overshadowed by a profound fear.

The High School Talent Quest: A Fear Born from Competition

In high school, I loved singing. It was a passion that brought me immense joy, and I eagerly joined the school’s talent quest. But as much as I loved performing, there was a part of me that held back—a part of me that irrationally thought, “If you win, you’ll lose your friends.” This belief, as irrational as it was, had a powerful grip on me. On one hand, I wanted to win; on the other, I was consumed with jealousy when others succeeded.

This internal conflict created a barrier, not just in my ability to perform, but in my ability to connect deeply with others. I felt a need to compete, to win the “likes” of teachers and peers, yet I feared that winning would alienate me from my friends. This fear caused anxiety and nervousness every time I stepped onto the stage, preventing me from performing my best. It was a belief rooted in the unconscious mind, one that had been quietly dictating my actions and emotions for years.

The Shift: Rewriting My Belief

As the Hypno-Breathwork session continued, I revisited this memory—not as a passive observer, but as an active participant. I reimagined the scene, to see myself on stage not feeling anxious, but as the confident person I am today.

In my mind’s eye, I envisioned myself standing tall on stage, holding a microphone. I was no longer singing for winning — I was singing because I loved it. The stage wasn’t just a platform in a school auditorium; it was everywhere I went. Every space could be my stage, and I could share my voice freely, without fears.

As I continued the journey, something remarkable happened: an elephant appeared—my spiritual animal guide. The elephant, with its immense strength and gentle nature, symbolized wisdom, power, and the ability to overcome obstacles. I saw myself riding on the elephant’s back, feeling a deep sense of happiness and peace. The elephant carried me to a river, where we played together, splashing in the water, before it lifted me back onto its back.

This imagery was powerful. The elephant represented the shift in my belief—the realization that I could be strong and successful without losing the love and connection of those around me. As I rode the elephant, I noticed other people riding their own elephants, we were forming a circle of unity and love. There was no longer any competition, only a shared experience of joy and connection.

The Release: Physical and Emotional Reactions

Hypno-Breathwork is not just a mental or emotional experience; it’s deeply somatic as well. As I went through this journey, I felt my body reacting to the shifts happening within. My hands locked, and I felt a mild electric current flowing through my arms. It was as if my body was releasing the old, stagnant energy that had been trapped for years, making way for new, vibrant energy to flow in.

This physical release was a sign that the unconscious mind was letting go of the limiting beliefs that had been holding me back. It was a cathartic experience, one that left me feeling lighter, freer, and more aligned with my true self.

Related Article: How I Release Trauma From My Body With Hypno-Breathwork

A Collective Experience: Transformation Together

One of the aspects of Hypno-Breathwork that I find most compelling is its content-free nature. In our session, which was conducted online via Zoom, I was joined by 61 other practitioners from different parts of the world. Each of us was on our own journey, setting our own intentions, and yet we were all connected by the shared experience of transformation.

What struck me was the diversity of experiences shared after the session. Some people experienced trauma release, while others connected with their spirit guides or uncovered childhood truths. The session was deeply personal for each participant, yet it was also a collective experience—a reminder that we are all on this journey together, even if our paths look different.

The beauty of a Breathwork session lies in its ability to facilitate healing without the need for verbal sharing. Each participant undergoes their own transformational experience, guided by their unconscious mind, and there is no pressure to disclose or explain what happens. This allows for a level of privacy and introspection that is rare in other therapeutic modalities.

Releasing Fear, Redefining Success

After that Breathwork session, I felt a deep shift within me. The fear of public speaking, which once seemed like an insurmountable obstacle, has begun to dissolve. I now remind myself that I can step into the spotlight with confidence—not to win or prove anything, but simply to share what I love.

The belief that success equates to loss has been replaced with a new, empowering understanding: that I can succeed while still maintaining deep, meaningful connections with others. I also reassure myself that I can celebrate the successes of others just as much as my own.

The image of the elephant, my spiritual guide, remains with me. It’s a reminder of the strength and wisdom that resides within me—a strength that allows me to move forward with grace and confidence, knowing that I am supported, loved, and connected.

The Power of the Unconscious Mind: Healing from Within

This Hypno-Breathwork journey has reaffirmed my belief in the power of the unconscious mind. It is a place of infinite potential, where our deepest fears and greatest strengths coexist. By accessing this realm, we can identify the beliefs that no longer serve us, release the emotions that weigh us down, and step into a new reality—one that aligns with our true desires and values.

As I continue my Hypno-Breathwork training, I am excited to share this practice with others. It is a powerful tool for healing, transformation, and self-discovery. Whether you are looking to overcome a specific fear, heal from past trauma, or simply connect more deeply with yourself, Hypno-Breathwork offers a path to profound and lasting change.

Look out for my upcoming 5-Day Breathwork Challenge for Trauma Liberation, where we will help you release deep-seated traumas, transform limiting beliefs, and step into your true power. I invite you to join me on this journey and discover the incredible healing potential that lies within you. 

Read Next: Taming Your Temper: A Deep Dive into Anger And Emotional Regulation


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