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Does Hypnotherapy for Quitting Smoking Work? These 5 People Say It Does

hypnotherapy for quitting smoking

Have you tried everything to quit smoking, but nothing worked? Is going cold turkey too painful? Are you desperate for a quick and safe treatment method? If yes, hypnotherapy for quitting smoking can help you achieve your goals. What’s more, five people are ready to endorse it. Find their success stories in this blog post.

First of All, Are we Credible Enough?

At least five people think so…

Along with 700+ others who have gotten better with our hypnotherapy services.

Also, we are:

  • Confidential – We have a strict policy of protecting your information.
  • Experienced – Our lead therapist, Sandy, is a certified professional. She has practised hypnotherapy for quitting smoking (and other illnesses) for almost a decade.
  • Non-judgemental – We won’t belittle or ridicule your problems.
  • Highly empathetic – We are a listening ear whenever you want to tell us anything.

Now, What Is Hypnotherapy for Quitting Smoking?

It is a treatment method without medicines and without several months involved.

It is quick because it helps you change negative thoughts into positive ones. How? By helping you reach into your subconscious.

You don’t remember all your negative feelings. But your subconscious does. It is a storage for every negative and positive emotion you have had since childhood. Those negative emotions can spill into your conscious mind when you grow up. As a result, you may develop insecurities and become dependent on smoking.

Hypnotherapy for quitting smoking helps you:

  • Recognise the exact reasons you took up smoking.
  • Change your POV about your negative emotions.
  • Maintain those positive thoughts whenever you face triggering situations.

These 5 Clients Tried Hypnotherapy for Quitting Smoking With MIHH

… And then what happened? Read on to find out.

1. Client A. Who Couldn’t Say “No”

Read it in his own words:

Why Did I go to Sandy?

I was addicted to smoking for two decades and couldn’t get rid of it. I had tried everything—nicotine patches, gum, even cold turkey—but nothing stuck for long. I would go back to smoking.

I smoked under workplace stress, during or after an argument…basically anytime I felt trapped. So, I decided to try hypnotherapy for quitting smoking.

My First Session

Sandy made me very comfortable. I didn’t feel judged at all. She didn’t label me or give me opinions about my problem. She just listened to what I had to say.

We discussed my therapy plan, too. It was a good start.

How I Felt at the End of My Hypnotherapy Programme

I was smoke-free within five weeks. My cravings vanished. Best of all, I could say “no” whenever my friends and colleagues pushed me to smoke. I found out I was wrong to assume they would get offended if I refused. They respected my boundaries.

Sandy’s POV:

“Alex’s determination made all the difference to his smoking addiction. He was set on changing his life for the better, and he did it”.

2. Client I. Who Was Desperate to Start Anew

Read it in his own words:

Why Did I go to Sandy?

I was a chain smoker for 14 years. I had tried every other treatment aspect, but nothing stuck for long. I was desperate for a solution.

Smoking was affecting my other goals, too. I could not plan a strategy to quit my 9-5 job and start my business. I felt trapped. So, I decided to try hypnotherapy for quitting smoking.

My First Session

Sandy let me speak all I wanted. She asked pointed and broad-meaning questions about my goals and needs. We discussed what I wanted to happen through this therapy. She explained the process to me. Honesty, I didn’t feel uncomfortable in her presence.

How I Felt at the End of My Hypnotherapy Programme

I was smoke-free within a few weeks. I didn’t reach for my cigarette case in stressful situations. Best of all, I found out how to grow as a person. I was able to make a good exit plan from my current job.

Sandy’s POV:

“I. Abdullah was set on leaving his smoking addiction behind. He wanted to live a better life, so he did it”.

3. Client J. Who Couldn’t Go Cold Turkey

Read it in his own words:

Why Did I go to Sandy?

I used to smoke 4-6 cigarettes every day. I tried to go cold turkey… no cigarettes at all. But I couldn’t do it. I tried three times and failed every time. Always reached out for a smoke whenever I faced high-stress situations.

I think it disturbed my appetite, too. I didn’t eat full meals, so filling that space with smoking became easier. That’s when I thought of trying hypnotherapy for quitting smoking.

My First Session

Sandy listened keenly. I was embarrassed and frustrated because I felt weak. I mean, I was 40! Why couldn’t I let go of a small cigarette?

However, she let me speak. She determined my triggers. We discussed my goals… smoking zero cigarettes every day and becoming a great role model for my nieces and nephews. I felt lightweight when I walked out of the therapy room.

How I Felt at the End of My Hypnotherapy Programme

I felt great. My cigarette count came down to zero. I knew many tips to distract myself whenever I felt the urge to smoke. The best thing? I didn’t feel embarrassed or weak anymore. I was able to fight and defeat my addiction.

Sandy’s POV:

“J. was a fierce fighter. He fought his cravings and identified his triggers quickly. I loved his involvement and willingness”.

4. Client S. Who Kept Her Cigarettes a Secret

Read it in her own words:

Why Did I go to Sandy?

I was ashamed of being a smoker. I am a mom, and I didn’t want my kids to think of me as an addict. I didn’t want them to think it was ok to smoke, either. So, I snuck around smoking on and off for 10+ years.

But I was desperate to stop. My mum had died of lung cancer. I didn’t want my kids to go through the same pain I went through.

But I couldn’t ask for help. It was a stroke of luck that I found out about hypnotherapy for quitting smoking at MIHH.

My First Session

It was great. I felt very relaxed with Sandy. I felt as if I didn’t have to hide or feel embarrassed. She understood what I was going through perfectly.

How I Felt at the End of My Hypnotherapy Programme

I stopped hiding. I confessed about my habit to my family and apologised to them. However, the best change came when I felt free. Free from cigarettes whenever I felt trapped. All in all, I am highly satisfied with Sandy’s approach.

Sandy’s POV:

“S. totally transformed. She came in as an apprehensive mom who wanted to protect her kids from herself. She finished the hypnotherapy programme as a confident mom who wanted to teach her kids to protect themselves from bad things”.

5. Client E. Who Smoked to “Fit in”

Read it in her own words:

Why Did I go to Sandy?

I started smoking at 16 to fit in, for attention, for love and affection, for social relevance. It felt prestigious. I then quit smoking for a while and picked it back up to spite someone! Guess who won that one? Not me.

I wasn’t productive or fulfilling my highest capabilities, but I never saw it. Smoking became an attribute of my being. It determined my comfortability, distorted my concentration and blurred my true confidence.

I started journaling. That’s when I found out that I needed help. So, I found Sandy to try hypnotherapy for quitting smoking.

My First Session

It was memorable. I talked, and she listened. I think I spoke quite a lot that day. However, I felt reassured when I stepped out. I couldn’t wait to start hypnotherapy and get better.

How I Felt at the End of My Hypnotherapy Programme

It was an eye-opening experience. But very necessary.

I’m also really proud of my steadfastness. While travelling, it is easy to succumb to the temptation. I mean, it’s like $4 for a 20-pack in South Korea. In Thailand, they smoke almost everywhere, even around food, which is gross, and Germany is home to Manitou tobacco.

The glow-up, though, is real. My taste buds are renewed, my skin is fresher, my eyes are whiter, and my willpower is strengthened.

Sandy’s POV:

“E. was shaken by the loss of a loved one and wanted to make better life choices. I am very proud of her grit and courage”.

hypnotherapy for quitting smoking

How to Find the Right Hypnotherapist for Quitting Smoking

  1. Check Credentials: Make sure the hypnotherapist is certified. They must have experience in hypnotherapy for quitting smoking.
  2. Read Reviews: Look for testimonials and success stories, like those from MIHH’s 700+ satisfied clients.
  3. Ask About Methods: A good hypnotherapist will tailor sessions to your needs.
  4. Book a Consultation: See if you feel comfortable with them, and they can understand you.

In a Nutshell

Hypnotherapy for quitting smoking is a quick and non-invasive method. We have shared the POVs of five people who benefitted from our treatment programme at Make it Happen Hypnotherapy Brisbane. You can call 047-515-9415 to know more or book a free consultation — It’s a New Year’s Offer!

Frequently Asked Questions

How Many Sessions Does it Take to Quit Smoking With Hypnotherapy?

You might notice improvement within 4-5 sessions. Your cravings might reduce. You may be able to handle triggering situations efficiently. However, it depends on your level of addiction and your compliance with hypnotherapy for quitting smoking.

Is Hypnotherapy Safe?

Yes, hypnotherapy is a non-invasive method with no known side effects. You don’t have to take medication or undergo months of counselling. Your hypnotherapist helps you manage your problem by looking into your subconscious.

Can Hypnotherapy Work if I Have Smoked for Decades?

Absolutely. Hypnotherapy targets the subconscious habits, however old. This makes it practical for even long-term smokers.


Our Clinical Hypnotherapists will guide you into a state of trance similar to daydreaming. By working with your subconscious mind, we will find out the underlying causes of your emotional suffering, and establish desired outcomes for you. To achieve this, we will use various techniques like Inner Child Therapy, Regression, Parts Therapy, Gestalt Therapy, Rewind Technique, and more.