You don’t “fall under anyone’s influence” during hypnosis like the movies. Let’s be real. Hypnosis is a therapeutic treatment method that makes you focused, relaxed, and more able to accept positive suggestions. You may feel detached from your surroundings during sessions… but that is temporary.
The use of hypnosis as a therapeutic tool, known as hypnotherapy, may help individuals overcome a variety of issues such as anxiety, phobias, and addiction. Clinical and experimental hypnosis can also help manage physical symptoms such as chronic pain and irritable bowel syndrome (IBS).
You can become more mindful and aware. You can also grow as a person and know more about yourself. You can go into hypnosis by relaxing your body and mind. Once that happens, you become more open and receptive to your hypnotherapist’s suggestions.
The Science of Hypnosis
Recent researches in brain imaging technology have studied the brain during hypnosis.
One important finding from these studies is that hypnosis activates different parts of the brain… different from the parts that activate when you are awake.
For example, the part of the brain responsible for self-reflection and introspection is more active during hypnosis. The critical thinking and decision-making part is less active.
This change in brain activity can be responsible for the increased suggestibility during hypnosis. When you don’t think critically, you become more open to new ideas and suggestions.
How Does Hypnosis Work?
Hypnotherapy helps you look into your subconscious mind and reprogramme it to remove thought blocks at a deeper level. As you get into a state of altered consciousness, you become highly suggestible and open to new ideas and suggestions.
Your hypnotherapist can guide you to change their thought patterns, beliefs, and behaviors that may be hindering your progress. By accessing the subconscious mind, hypnotherapy can create long-lasting changes that can positively impact a person’s life.
Self-hypnosis is one way to achieve a hypnotic state without the help of a trained professional. It involves learning to guide oneself into a state of relaxation and heightened suggestibility, often through the use of guided meditations or recorded audio sessions. While self-hypnosis can be effective for some individuals, clinical hypnosis by a trained professional can be more effective, as it can be tailored to the individual’s specific needs.
Does Hypnotherapy Work For You?
Hypnotherapy has been gaining popularity as a complementary treatment for various mental health conditions. However, many people still question its effectiveness and whether it works for everyone.
In fact, Hypnotherapy has been shown to be a powerful tool for rewiring the brain to achieve any goals and it works for anyone, even it works for those who are sceptical.
It can be used to treat a wide range of issues, including anxiety, depression, phobias, addiction and increasing confidence. It’s important to find a qualified hypnotist or hypnotherapist and committing to the process can lead to significant positive changes.
In a Nutshell
Hypnosis is a fascinating and altered state of consciousness that has been the subject of much study and research. Recent advances in brain imaging technology have given us a better understanding of what is happening in the brain during hypnosis, and have provided us with some clues as to how hypnosis works.
Whether you are a skeptic or a believer, there is no denying the power of hypnosis and its potential to help people overcome a wide range of problems and achieve their goals. If you want to be a better version of yourself? Book a FREE Strategy Call with us now to learn more.
Frequently Asked Questions:
How Does Hypnosis Work Step by Step?
Hypnosis works by inducing a state of relaxation and concentration. The hypnotherapist then makes suggestions to your subconscious mind, which you may choose to accept and act upon. You remains aware and in control throughout the process.
At MIHH, we have developed a 5 & 7-Step-Hypnosis Program that works effectively on any issues successfully and effectively. To learn more, book a FREE Strategy Call.
What Happens When You are Hypnotised?
You enter a state of deep relaxation and heightened suggestibility when you are hypnotised. This way, you can release pent up emotions and change limiting behaviours. You may reduce stress and anxiety, or manage physical pain, too. You remain in control and remember everything.
How Does Hypnosis Feel?
Hypnosis feels like a state of deep relaxation. You can focus on your hypnotherapist’s suggestions. It’s often described as feeling calm and peaceful, with a heightened sense of awareness and control. Depending on the purpose of the session, you can feel relieved, lighter, happier.