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Can Hypnotherapy Help With
Anxiety and Depression?

Can Hypnotherapy Help With Anxiety and Depression

Many people struggling with anxiety and depression often feel lost, unsure of why they experience such overwhelming emotions. This sense of being out of control can lead them to rely on antidepressants just to get through the day, even when they wish they didn’t have to. Without medication, the emotional turmoil can feel unbearable, leaving them in a cycle of dependency.

In this blog, we’ll explore the most common causes of anxiety and depression and we will explore “Can hypnotherapy help with anxiety and depression?”, examine how hypnotherapy works, review case studies with real-life success stories. By the end, you may discover for yourself whether hypnotherapy can be an effective solution for easing anxiety and depression.

The Role of Trauma in Anxiety and Depression

Anxiety and depression are complex mental health conditions often rooted in a combination of family system environmental, and psychological factors. One of the most significant contributors to these conditions is trauma, which can fundamentally alter the brain’s functioning and emotional responses.

1. Neurobiological Impact of Trauma

Trauma, especially when experienced in early childhood, can lead to long-lasting changes in the brain’s structure and function.

The amygdala, responsible for processing fear and emotions, can become hyperactive, leading to heightened anxiety. The hippocampus, which is involved in memory formation, may shrink in response to chronic stress, affecting memory and the ability to regulate emotions.

These changes can make an individual more susceptible to anxiety and depression, as the brain remains in a state of heightened alertness, constantly perceiving threats, even in safe environments.

2. Emotional and Psychological Effects

Trauma disrupts an individual’s sense of safety, trust, and self-worth. Survivors of trauma often experience intense feelings of helplessness, fear, and shame, which can evolve into chronic anxiety and depression.

The constant emotional distress caused by unresolved trauma can overwhelm the brain’s coping mechanisms, leading to a persistent state of sadness or fear.

3. Cognitive Distortions

Trauma can also lead to negative thought patterns, known as cognitive distortions. These include beliefs such as “I am a freud,” “I am not worthy,” or “All men are untrustworthy.” Such thoughts can fuel anxiety and depression by creating a negative feedback loop where the individual’s negative beliefs and perceptions reinforce their emotional distress.

4. Dysregulated Stress Response

Trauma can cause the brain’s stress response system to become dysregulated. The hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal (HPA) axis, which controls the release of stress hormones like cortisol, can become overactive, leading to chronic stress. This chronic stress depletes the brain’s resources, impairing its ability to manage emotions, leading to anxiety and depressive symptoms.

Is Hypnotherapy for Anxiety and Depression Scientifically Proven?

According to the World Health Organization, over 264 million people globally suffer from depression, and anxiety disorders affect around 284 million people. These staggering numbers highlight a pressing need for effective treatments. 

Hypnotherapy, a natural method that works with the subconscious mind, has gained attention as an effective treatment for anxiety and depression. While some evidence suggests that hypnosis can help people dealing with anxiety and depression, there’s still debate about how conclusive the data really is. Following are the studies that show the effectiveness of hypnotherapy alone or combined with other treatments.

Study 1:

A 2018 meta-analysis published in the Journal of Affective Disorders reviewed multiple studies and concluded that hypnotherapy could be an effective adjunct treatment for depression. The analysis indicated that participants who used hypnotherapy showed more significant improvements in depressive symptoms compared to those who did not. [SOURCE]

Study 2:

An analysis of 17 trials revealed that participants who received hypnotherapy experienced a reduction in anxiety greater than about 84% of those in control groups who did not receive hypnosis. This data supports the existing belief that hypnotherapy is highly effective for anxiety relief for most individuals. [SOURCE]

Study 3:

The effectiveness of hypnotherapy in treating depression is encouraging, according to various studies and meta-analyses. One prominent study published in the International Journal of Clinical and Experimental Hypnosis reported a substantial decrease in depression scores for those who received hypnotherapy compared to a control group. [SOURCE]

As more research emerges, hypnotherapy is being increasingly recognized as a valuable complementary approach in the treatment of these widespread mental health conditions.

How Hypnotherapy Works for Anxiety and Depression?

Hypnotherapy is a powerful tool that enables individuals to delve into the deeper, often hidden causes of anxiety and depression by accessing the subconscious mind. This approach allows for the identification and resolution of deep-rooted emotions, patterns, and behaviors that contribute to these mental health conditions.

When someone undergoes hypnotherapy, they enter a deeply relaxed, trance-like state where the conscious mind’s critical thinking is subdued. In this state, the hypnotherapist can communicate directly with the subconscious mind, where many of these issues are stored and perpetuated. This process provides a unique opportunity to uncover and address the root causes of emotional distress, which may stem from various sources.

For some individuals, the cause of anxiety or depression might be linked to experiences in their present life, such as unresolved trauma, chronic stress, or negative thought patterns. For others, the origins could lie in past life experiences, where unresolved issues continue to influence their current emotional state. Additionally, hypnotherapy can reveal how individuals may be entangled in the emotional dynamics of their family system. This concept, rooted in systemic and family therapy, suggests that an individual’s anxiety or negative emotions could be inherited from their parents or ancestors, passed down through generations as unresolved emotional energy.

By identifying and addressing these underlying causes, whether they are rooted in the present, past, or family lineage, hypnotherapy helps individuals release these deep-seated emotions, leading to significant relief from anxiety and depression. This holistic approach not only alleviates symptoms but also empowers individuals to achieve long-term emotional healing and well-being.

The Mechanisms of Hypnotherapy in Treating Anxiety and Depression

Hypnotherapists also facilitate the exploration and reframing of negative thoughts, fears, and traumas that often fuel anxiety and depression. In the case of anxiety, hypnotherapy helps by desensitizing triggers and reducing the hyperactivity of the amygdala, the brain’s fear center. Through this process, the subconscious is reprogrammed to respond differently to stressors, promoting a sense of calm and control.

When it comes to depression, hypnotherapy can assist in shifting deep-seated negative beliefs and self-perceptions that often underlie depressive symptoms. By reinforcing positive affirmations and visualizing desired outcomes, hypnotherapy aims to rebuild self-esteem and motivation, gradually lifting the weight of depression.

Hypnotherapy for Anxiety and Depression vs Other Treatments

When it comes to treating anxiety and depression, hypnotherapy offers a unique approach that differs significantly from more conventional methods like talk therapies, medication, antidepressants, and anti-anxiety medications that primarily focus on alleviating symptoms by altering brain chemistry. These medications can be effective but often come with side effects, including weight gain, drowsiness, and dependency concerns. Furthermore, medications require ongoing use to maintain benefits, and discontinuing them can lead to relapse or withdrawal symptoms.

In contrast, hypnotherapy targets the subconscious mind, where many deep-seated fears, traumas, and negative beliefs reside. This approach can lead to profound and lasting changes because it deals with the root causes of anxiety and depression rather than just managing the symptoms on a surface level. Hypnotherapy is often quicker in producing results compared to traditional methods, with many clients experiencing significant improvements after just a few sessions.

In addition, hypnotherapy is free from the side effects associated with medication and can be used alongside other treatments to enhance overall effectiveness. It also empowers you with self-help techniques, such as self-hypnosis, which you can use independently to manage symptoms and maintain mental well-being. This holistic approach makes hypnotherapy a valuable alternative or complement to other treatments for anxiety and depression.

Hypnotherapy provides a great cure, especially when combined with other treatments like cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT). For many, it offers a path to deep healing, allowing them to make lasting changes in their mental and emotional health.

Related: Hypnotherapy for Depression: Does it Really Work?

Case Study: How Payton Conquered Anxiety and Depression with Hypnotherapy?


Payton, a 35-year-old professional, had been battling anxiety and depression for several years. Despite having a successful career and a loving family, Payton found himself increasingly overwhelmed by feelings of dread and hopelessness. His anxiety took the form of constant worry and panic attacks, while depression left him feeling unmotivated, exhausted, and disconnected from those around him. The weight of these conditions made it difficult for him to maintain relationships, focus at work, and even enjoy the activities that once brought him joy.

After trying several traditional therapies, including medication, Payton felt only minimal relief. The side effects of the medication, combined with the persistent nature of his symptoms, left him feeling stuck in a cycle of despair. Determined to reclaim his life, Payton began exploring alternative treatments and stumbled upon hypnotherapy.

Payton sought out our certified hypnotherapist with experience in treating anxiety and depression. His initial consultation involved a detailed discussion of his symptoms, triggers, and past experiences. The hypnotherapist explained how hypnotherapy could help him access his subconscious mind, where many of his deep-seated fears and negative beliefs were rooted. This understanding gave Payton hope that this approach might succeed where others had not.

How Hypnotherapy for Anxiety and Depression Works for Payton?

Treating Anxiety and Depression from the Root

Payton’s treatment plan was tailored to address his unique experiences and the specific challenges posed by his anxiety and depression. The sessions began with induction techniques designed to bring Payton into a deeply relaxed, trance-like state, creating an optimal environment for accessing his subconscious mind. Once in this deeply relaxed state, our hypnotherapist guided Payton into a hypnotic trance to uncover and address the deep-rooted beliefs that fueled his emotional distress.

During these sessions, Payton was able to trace the origins of his anxiety back to his early childhood. It was revealed that much of his anxiety stemmed from his mother’s constant stress during his infancy, a time when he subconsciously absorbed her emotional turmoil. This stress from his mother led to a deep-seated belief that he was not good enough, which developed around the same time due to the lack of emotional support and attention he received.

Our hypnotherapist used inner child therapy to create a sense of safety for the younger version of Payton, effectively separating the threat of his mother’s stress from his own emotional experiences. This process allowed Payton to release the anxiety he had carried for years, as it was no longer linked to his current reality.

Our hypnotherapist uncovered that Payton’s anxiety was also tied to unresolved fears and a belief of inadequacy. We worked with him to upgrade these beliefs, replacing them with empowering beliefs.

In addressing his depression, our hypnotherapist also help Payton to rebuild his self-esteem and sense of purpose. Payton was encouraged to reconnect with his inner strengths and achievements from the past, forgive himself for all the things he regretted about and visualizing a future where he felt motivated and in control. The hypnotherapist also introduced future pacing techniques, allowing Payton to practice imagining himself waking up each day with a renewed sense of purpose and energy.

By the end of his hypnotherapy sessions, Payton experienced significant relief from both anxiety and depression. The personalized approach helped him address the root causes of his emotional distress and empowered him to create lasting positive change in his life.

Excellent Progress and Lovely Results

The transformation Payton experienced through hypnotherapy was terrific. Over several weeks, he began to notice a significant reduction in his anxiety levels. The panic attacks that once paralysed him became less frequent and less intense, allowing him to engage more fully in both his professional and personal life. Payton’s depression also began to lift. He found himself waking up with a renewed sense of hope and motivation, eager to tackle the day ahead.

Payton’s relationships improved as well. With his anxiety under control, he was able to communicate more openly with his loved ones, and the emotional distance that had developed between them began to close. At work, Payton’s newfound confidence led to increased productivity and the ability to take on new challenges without the crippling fear of failure.

Perhaps the most remarkable change was Payton’s shift in perspective. Hypnotherapy had not only diminished his symptoms but had also equipped him with tools to manage his mental health proactively. He learned how to access a state of calm and focus through self-hypnosis techniques, which he now uses whenever he feels anxiety or depression creeping back in.

Payton’s journey with hypnotherapy is a testament to the power of this therapeutic approach in overcoming anxiety and depression. By treating the subconscious roots of his fears and negative beliefs, hypnotherapy provided Payton with a path to lasting healing and personal growth. His story serves as an inspiration for others struggling with similar challenges, highlighting that with the proper support and treatment, it is possible to reclaim one’s life from the grip of anxiety and depression.

Hypnotherapy for Anxiety and Depression Reviews

Real-Life Success Stories

We have seen many clients experience significant relief from anxiety and depression through hypnotherapy. Take the case of Alex B., who had chronic anxiety and depression for years, often feeling overwhelmed and disconnected. After a series of hypnotherapy sessions at MIHH, Alex B. noticed a terrific change in his mental state. He began to feel more at peace, with a renewed sense of hope and the ability to engage more fully in his daily life.

Alex B., a client at our clinic, shares his journey:

“I attended both in-person and virtual sessions with Sandy, and her compassionate and professional approach made a world of difference. Through hypnotherapy, I’ve experienced a significant reduction in my anxiety and depressive symptoms. Sandy helped me rediscover my inner strength, and I’ve gained a new perspective on managing my mental health. I would highly recommend this therapy to anyone looking for effective support in overcoming anxiety and depression.”


Based on the available evidence, hypnotherapy should not be dismissed as pseudoscience. It holds promise as a legitimate treatment option that can help you manage anxiety and depression. However, it is necessary to approach hypnotherapy as part of a comprehensive treatment plan under the guidance of qualified professionals.

If Payton’s story resonates with you, and i
f you’re searching for a natural and effective way to manage anxiety and depression, hypnotherapy is the best solution for a depressed-free, more fulfilling life. So, Book a FREE consultation TODAY,

Read Next: Do I Have Anxiety?


Our Clinical Hypnotherapists will guide you into a state of trance similar to daydreaming. By working with your subconscious mind, we will find out the underlying causes of your emotional suffering, and establish desired outcomes for you. To achieve this, we will use various techniques like Inner Child Therapy, Regression, Parts Therapy, Gestalt Therapy, Rewind Technique, and more.