Have you ever felt a tightening pain in your chest whenever you face a triggering situation? Did you get afraid because you thought it was a heart attack? Have you taken many ECGs and consulted cardiologists but cannot find a cause? Most probably, it is anxiety chest pain. And yes, it can be quite frightening.
You will find out: What is anxiety chest pain? What causes it? How can you treat it? What is the best treatment method for you? In this blog post.
Why Should You Know About Anxiety Chest Pain
It will help you get rid of the fear and uncertainty you may feel when you feel that pain. Your panic and anxiety may reduce remarkably if you know that chest pain can be a sign of anxiety rather than a heart attack. So, you may be able to manage your symptoms and find proper treatment quickly.
Secondly, it is very important that you recognise anxiety chest pain from other severe conditions so you can get the right treatment. Chest pain can happen because of cardiac problems, too. So, your doctor must make the correct diagnosis so you can be treated accordingly.
What is Anxiety Chest Pain?
Anxiety chest pain is your body’s reaction to your mental anxiety. It happens when your stress becomes too much for your brain to handle.
Neuroscientifically: Anxiety triggers your amygdala which controls your fear. It activates your hypothalamus-pituitary-adrenal (HPA) axis. It releases stress hormones i.e. cortisol and adrenaline. These hormones prepare your body for a fight-or-flight response. As a result, your body reacts as chest pain.
Nervous system: These hormones stimulate the autonomic nervous system. This increases your heart rate and muscle tension in your chest. This feeling can mimic cardiac pain.
What Does Anxiety Chest Pain Feel Like?
Anxiety chest pain is somewhat similar to heart pain. In fact, you can mistake it as heartache and become very afraid. You might feel a sharp, stabbing, or tight sensation in your chest. It can radiate to your shoulders, neck, or back sometimes.
You can say that it is a crushing pressure or a persistent ache. This makes it hard to distinguish from a heart attack. What’s more, you can have a pounding heartbeat, shortness of breath, and dizziness.
You might think that a great danger is coming by. This can make you more fearful. You can have anxiety chest pain whenever you face a triggering situation… or after it happens. Thing is, it happens without warning.
Symptoms of Anxiety Chest Pain
You should be able to tell your heartache apart from the anxiety pain. Here are its symptoms to help you more:
Sharp, stabbing pain in your chest
Tightness or pressure in your chest
Dull ache
Pounding heartbeat
Shortness of breath
Dizziness or lightheadedness
A constant feeling that something bad will happen
Tingling or numbness in your arms or hands
Your pain grows more or less as your anxiety grows more or less
Causes of Anxiety Chest Pain
It is just the beginning, though. Your real task is to look for the best treatment so that you can resolve your anxiety.
Psychological Factors: Stress and tension build your anxiety chest pain. Panic attacks and intense anxiety can also build chest pain.
In her book, “The Secret Language of Your Body,” Inna Segal explains that chest problems may happen if you overextend yourself to people… but receive little or nothing in return. This disappointment can make you feel:
Burned out
Why does this happen? Because you may:
Lack self-trust
Not be able to express your emotions completely
Want to control people and situations to feel safe
Physical Factors: You may hyperventilate before having chest pain when you become too anxious. Your oxygen and carbon dioxide levels disbalance in the blood when you breathe rapidly. This can develop chest tightness and pain. Anxiety can also cause muscle tightening in your chest. These feelings can increase your discomfort and pain.
Therapeutic Treatment for Anxiety Chest Pain
These are some of the best options that can help you manage your anxiety chest pain:
Clinical Hypnotherapy
Research clearly shows that 80% of the hypnotherapy group were improved with regard to chest pain compared with only 23% of controls.
Clinical hypnotherapy is a therapeutic technique that uses hypnosis to access the subconscious mind. It helps your emotional and psychological healing. Hypnosis takes you into a trance-like state where your mind becomes more open to suggestion and introspection.
In this state, you can recognise and resolve your triggering memories, reframe negative thoughts, and release emotional pain. This approach is efficient for those who have difficulty accessing or articulating their hurtful memories in a traditional therapeutic setting.
Havening Techniques are a set of psycho-sensory therapies that use touch to create a sense of safety and calm. They allow your brain to process and release traumatic memories. The method involves a gentle, soothing touch on the arms, face, and hands… combined with positive imagery and affirmations.
This process helps to deactivate the emotional response linked with anxiety-triggering memories. It reduces their effect on your psyche… and so, chest pain. Havening is grounded in neuroscience, specifically in understanding how the brain encodes anxiety.
Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT)
Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT) is a widely practised and evidence-based approach. It identifies and changes your negative thought patterns and behaviours.
CBT helps you to understand the connection between your thoughts, emotions, and behaviours. It helps you to find out how your anxiety influences these elements.
Techniques used in CBT for trauma include cognitive restructuring, which involves challenging and reframing distorted thoughts. This process helps reduce fear and avoidance behaviours, promoting recovery and resilience. You can restore your inner peace and control if it is included in a hypnotherapy program.
Self Help Techniques
Self Healing Exercise:
From the book “The Secret Language of Your Body”, here are the steps:
Sit or lie down. Breathe slowly and deeply, allowing your body to completely relax. Imagine lying in a bath of healing orange liquid. Allow your body to soften and enjoy the experience. Sense or imagine a funnel in the middle of your chest.
Say: “Divine Healing Intelligence, I ask you to release all burdens, disempowerment, low self-esteem, suppression of feelings, anxiety, and fear from my chest, as well as all points of view, all patterns, and the positive and negative charges that contribute to this condition.” Repeat the word “CLEAR” until you feel a shift occur.
Say: “I allow all the cells in my body that are experiencing heaviness, degeneration, infection, or stress to now be released through this funnel into a purple flame.”
Observe as toxic and heavy energy moves out of your body, through the funnel, and into the purple flame. Using your thumb, gently massage the point between your ring finger and middle finger, on the palm of your right hand.
Massage it gently in a slow circular motion for a minute or two. While you are massaging, take deep, slow breaths, allowing your chest to fill with oxygen, and then expel all impurities from your chest and lungs. Do the same while massaging in the same place and fashion on your left hand.
Say: “Divine Healing Intelligence, please install a way for me to experience a life of ease, freedom, creativity, and love. Help me to find peace and tranquility in my heart and soul. Thank you.”
Say: “Divine Healing Intelligence, please heal and regenerate my chest, lungs, and heart to their maximum strength, vitality, and well-being. Thank you.”
Deep Breathing Exercises
Deep breathing exercises are simple techniques that can reduce your anxiety chest pain and relax you immediately. You must take slow, deep breaths that reach your diaphragm. They increase your oxygen intake to calm you.
You can lower heart rate, stabilise blood pressure, and reduce levels of the stress hormone cortisol…If you practise deep breathing regularly. You can fit deep breathing exercises into your daily routine easily. It is a good tool for managing stress and improving your health.
In a Nutshell
You can manage anxiety chest pain with proper knowledge and treatment. Choosing the right therapy can make all the difference. Unlike regular talk therapy, Clinical Hypnotherapy targets the powerful subconscious mind, where the issue often starts. It is a generally better solution for your anxiety chest pain. Book a Free Consultation with our Clinical Hypnotherapist to take the first step towards a more peaceful life today.