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The Ultimate Guide: How to
Reprogram Your Subconscious Mind

How to Reprogram Your Subconscious Mind

What if the key to unlocking your fullest potential, breaking out of endless loop, and transforming your life wasn’t something outside, but within you?

Imagine if you could access this “behind-the-scenes” part of your mind and give it a new set of instructions. Would it surprise you to learn that this is indeed possible? Subconscious programming is a scientifically-backed practice that can bring about significant, life-altering changes. Your subconscious mind is always on, always listening and processing information, even when you’re asleep. Through specific techniques, you can tap into this non-stop processing ability to overwrite old, limiting beliefs with new, empowering ones.

As a Brain Trainer & Clinical Hypnotherapist, I often find people curious of how the subconscious mind work and how to unlock its power. Today, we’ll guide you on an insightful journey of tapping into this powerhouse, and delve into the most frequently asked questions of how to reprogram your subconscious mind. In answering these common questions, my aim is to give you a better understanding of how to make a change of subconscious patterns, so as to reclaim your power, and consciously create the life you desire.

1: Is Your Problem Rooted in Your Subconscious?

Many of our challenges stem from the subconscious mind. If you’re stuck in certain patterns or can’t seem to break away from a repetitive, unhelpful behavior, the answer likely lies in your subconscious.

Consider an iceberg. The small portion visible above water symbolizes your conscious mind, comprising thoughts and actions within your immediate awareness. But beneath the water lies a vast, unseen majority – the subconscious mind. It’s a reservoir of memories, beliefs, and experiences shaping your daily actions, habits, and life patterns.

The old patterns have become entrenched programs running on autopilot in the depths of your mind, unbeknownst to you. These programs are triggered under specific circumstances, leading to what we call the psychological conditioned response. This could manifest as anxiety, nail biting, binge eating, or a variety of unwanted behaviors, like procrastination.

To change these patterns, we need to delve beneath the surface and tap into the potential of the subconscious mind.

2: How the Subconscious Mind Works?

The subconscious mind is shaped by past experiences, and it uses those experiences to inform its automatic responses to various stimuli. For example, if you had a traumatic experience with dogs in the past, your subconscious mind may automatically generate fear and anxiety when you see a dog, even if you consciously know that the dog is not a threat.

The subconscious mind is always processing information in the background, and it makes decisions and generates responses based on its stored memories and beliefs. This is why it can be difficult to change automatic behaviors and thought patterns without reprogramming the subconscious mind.

Your subconscious mind is like a tape recorder that plays back the same old tapes over and over again. If you want to change your tapes, you need to re-record new ones.

3: How Can You Talk to Your Subconscious Mind?

The subconscious mind communicates differently from your conscious mind. Instead of words and logical reasoning, it speaks through emotions, physical responses, images, and patterns.

This means solely self-talk or affirmation like “I am successful” might not work unless it’s tied to a strong emotion or visual imagery. To effectively communicate with your subconscious mind, you need to incorporate feelings, visualizations, and sensory experiences.

4: What is The First Step In Learning How to Reprogram Your Subconscious Mind?

It’s of utmost importance to uncover the automatic operations of your subconscious mind before reprogramming your subconscious mind. I invite you to reflect on the following questions. As you read each question, take a moment to honestly examine your feelings and thoughts. Remember, there are no right or wrong answers. This is a personal journey of self-discovery and understanding.

  • How do you react when faced with a stressful situation?

Observe your immediate thoughts, physical reactions, and the emotions that arise. How do these responses align with your conscious desires?

  • What habits do you engage in daily without thinking?

These could be anything from your morning routine to your eating habits. Are these habits serving your well-being and aligning with your goals?

  • How do you perceive failure and success?

Your subconscious mind might be holding onto fear of failure or even success. Are these perceptions helping or hindering your progress?

  • What are your emotional patterns?

Do you notice a certain emotion repeatedly showing up in different situations? How does this affect your behavior and decision-making?

  • How do you react when your beliefs are challenged?

This reaction can shed light on the deep-rooted beliefs residing in your subconscious mind.

  • What recurring thoughts do you have?

Whether it’s self-doubt, criticism, or fear, these repetitive thoughts are echoes of your subconscious beliefs.

  • What dreams or goals do you have that you feel are out of reach?

Often, it’s not the lack of capability, but subconscious limiting beliefs holding you back from achieving your desires.

These questions are designed to help you engage in a dialogue with your subconscious mind.

As you delve deeper, you’ll gain a clearer understanding of what’s driving your behaviors and emotions. Recognizing these patterns is the first step towards reprogramming your subconscious mind. It’s a process of self-awareness.

5: Is There a Step-by-Step Process Learning How to Reprogram Your Subconscious Mind?

While there isn’t a one-size-fits-all approach, a typical process includes these steps:

1.Identify Unhelpful Patterns: By identifying and understanding the roots of your subconscious patterns, you start to gain more awareness. Use introspection to understand the beliefs holding you back.

2.Find out where the limiting beliefs comes from: Journey through time to go back the roots of your unwanted thinking, behaviours. Challenge your thinking from your adult perspective. Tell yourself that, “This’s not me anymore”. As you challenge your thinking, you can shatter your old belief that’s not serving you.

3.Reprogram Beliefs: Introduce new beliefs, positive affirmations in present tense to overwrite the limiting beliefs.

4.Reinforce Changes: Regularly practice your new beliefs until they become automatic. Consciously implementing change, you can break free from old paradigms and step into new possibilities.

6: Do You Have to Be Awake or Asleep to Reprogram Your Subconscious Mind?

Subconscious reprogramming can occur both during your awake and sleep states. By gaining self awareness, being your own observer – witnessing your own thoughts & emotions, visualization, and positive affirmations work well during waking hours. For reprogramming your subconscious mind, it especially works well when you are just awake and before going to sleep, consider practices like self-hypnosis and listening to positive affirmations.

7: How Long Does Reprogramming Take?

Reprogramming the subconscious mind is not a one-time event; it’s a transformative expedition of introspection and conscious alteration of thought patterns. Just as a river slowly carves a canyon, repeated engagement with new, empowering scripts gradually rewrites the narratives embedded in your subconscious mind.

As you persistently engage in this journey, over time, you’ll notice yourself gaining mastery over your thoughts and emotions, fostering a more robust belief in your capabilities. This newfound control is a sign that you’re on the right path, that the old patterns are dissolving, making way for new, empowering narratives. So, while there’s no universal timeframe, one day you’ll realize that the new pattern has become your default, signifying a successful subconscious reprogramming.

8: Do's and Don'ts of Subconscious Reprogramming


  • Be your own observer.
  • Be consistent with your practices.
  • Use positive, present-tense affirmations.
  • Believe in the process and in yourself.


  • Don’t judge yourself.
  • Don’t use negative or future tense phrases in your affirmations.
  • Don’t forget to celebrate small wins along the way.

9: How Will You Know You've Successfully Reprogrammed Your Subconscious Mind?

You’ll start noticing changes in your thoughts, behaviors, and reactions. Things that once troubled you might seem manageable, and you’ll find yourself reacting differently to familiar situations.

10. What If You Find Your Subconscious Mind is a Tough Nut to Crack?

Don’t worry, it’s not an uncommon hurdle. That’s where Clinical Hypnotherapy comes into play. This powerful therapy is designed to catalyze change within your subconscious, fostering new responses, thoughts, attitudes, behaviors, and feelings.

Engaging with a professional hypnotherapist, you’ll be guided into a relaxed and focused state, an optimal condition for your subconscious mind to be receptive to change. Rest assured, you’ll be in complete control throughout this process.

Our hypnotherapists excel at unveiling buried memories, comments, or situations that reside in your subconscious mind. They understand the origin of your issues and the negative connotations your mind has attached to them.

Unearthing these memories allows you to challenge and change fundamental beliefs that might be outdated and limiting. This shift in perception aligns your conscious and subconscious minds, propelling you towards your goals. Don’t be discouraged by a ‘stubborn’ subconscious, with Clinical Hypnotherapy, transformation is within your reach.

Conclusion: You Are the Key to Change

Reprogramming your subconscious mind is a journey of transformation and growth, where you become the director of your life. By understanding the roots of your subconscious patterns and consciously implementing change, you can break free from old paradigms and step into new possibilities. Remember, this journey requires consistency and belief in your capability to change.

Reprogramming your subconscious mind isn’t just about changing patterns; it’s about changing your life. It’s about reclaiming your power and consciously creating the life you desire.

Frequently Asked Questions

It is believed that you have the ability to influence and control your subconscious mind. Your subconscious mind plays a crucial role in determining your comfort zone and is responsible for habituating you to certain actions that can lead to success, happiness and wellness in your life. To control your subconscious mind and make it your ally, there are a few steps you can take:

Firstly, create a vision space by having a crystal clear image in your mind for what you want to achieve. This will help you focus your thoughts and intentions on your desired outcome.

Secondly, instead of focusing on how you will achieve your ultimate vision, imagine yourself already having achieved it. This will help you tap into the power of your subconscious mind to manifest your desires.

Finally, identify any resistance you may have to pursuing what you truly love. Our subconscious minds often hold us back because of conflicting beliefs we may have. By identifying and addressing these conflicting beliefs, you can start to retrain your subconscious mind to support your goals and desires.

We can influence our subconscious through feelings, positive affirmations, visualization, Hypnosis, Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP), and other techniques. Ultimately, learning to understand and work with the subconscious can help us achieve greater self-awareness and personal growth.

Our habitual behaviors, emotional responses, and intuition, which are all driven by the subconscious mind without conscious awareness or effort.

An example of the subconscious mind at work is the automatic response of pulling your hand away from a hot stove without consciously thinking about it, so as to protect you from getting hurt.

Another example of the subconscious mind at work is the act of driving a car. When you first learn how to drive, you have to consciously think about every action – from pressing the gas pedal to turning the steering wheel. However, after you have been driving for a while, these actions become automatic and require little conscious thought. This is because your subconscious mind has taken over the task of driving, allowing your conscious mind to focus on other things, such as listening to music or having a conversation.

Another example could be a person who has a fear of public speaking. Even though they may consciously want to give a speech, their subconscious mind may be holding them back due to past negative experiences or beliefs about themselves. This fear can manifest as physical symptoms such as sweating, shaking or feeling anxious, even though the person may not consciously understand why they are feeling this way. By identifying and addressing these subconscious fears and beliefs, a person can start to retrain their mind to feel more comfortable and confident in public speaking situations.

The subconscious mind is more powerful than the conscious mind. Here are the 3 main reasons:

  1. Controls Automatic Behaviours: The subconscious mind controls many automatic behaviours, such as breathing, heartbeat, and reflexes. It also controls learned behaviours and habits that we have developed over time, such as driving a car or playing a musical instrument. These automatic behaviours occur without conscious thought or effort, allowing the conscious mind to focus on other tasks.
  2. Processes Information Faster: The subconscious mind processes information faster than the conscious mind. According to some estimates, the subconscious mind can process up to 20,000 bits of information per second, while the conscious mind can only process around 40 bits per second. This means that the subconscious mind can quickly identify patterns, make connections, and come up with solutions to problems, often without the individual being aware of how they arrived at the solution.
  3. Stores Emotional Memories: The subconscious mind stores emotional memories, which can have a powerful influence on our thoughts, feelings, and behaviors. These memories may be from past experiences, childhood, or even ancestral memories passed down through generations. They can shape our beliefs, attitudes, and perceptions, often without us realizing it. By accessing and reprogramming these emotional memories, we can change our thoughts, feelings, and behaviors, and ultimately, our lives. 



Our Clinical Hypnotherapists will guide you into a state of trance similar to daydreaming. By working with your subconscious mind, we will find out the underlying causes of your emotional suffering, and establish desired outcomes for you. To achieve this, we will use various techniques like Inner Child Therapy, Regression, Parts Therapy, Gestalt Therapy, Rewind Technique, and more.