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5 Unknown Benefits of Hypnotherapy for Anxiety Relief

hypnotherapy for anxiety

Hypnosis helps you recover from anxiety quicker than other therapies. However, did you know it does more than reduce your constant worries? It can help you manage your related physical symptoms, too.

If you are researching about hypnotherapy for anxiety, here are its 5 benefits you didn’t know about before.

But First, Why are We Talking About It So Confidently?

Because we know what you are going through. We know that:

  • You want to get out of your negative thought cycle… but you cannot.
  • Anxiety has disrupted your life completely.
  • You want to meet your friends and family. But, you are always afraid of something bad happening. So, you prefer staying home alone.

Because we know this, we have the best solutions for you:

  • We listen to everything you have to say about your feelings. We don’t get tired, we don’t judge you at all.
  • We make your treatment plan. We include everything you must resolve in your hypnotherapy sessions.
  • You can feel positive changes within a few sessions… not in a few months. Now, that is really something, right?
  • We keep in touch even after you get better and leave our sessions. You can always count on us for emotional support.

5 Unknown Benefits of Hypnotherapy For Anxiety Relief

Why should you know about these lesser-known ways? Because we want you to know as many benefits of this therapy as possible. One of our goals is to educate you about your health: what causes you to get unwell, and how you can get better.

1. You Wake Up Feeling Calm

You don’t want to get out of bed in the morning because you are worried? Hypnotherapy for anxiety can make you chirpy as a bird because:

  • It reduces nighttime anxiety so you can sleep through the night.
  • You must practice positive affirmations daily. They remind you that you can start fresh at any time.
  • Hypnosis sessions can reset your body’s natural sleep-wake cycle. This will help your mind wake up refreshed.

You can complete your pending to-do lists. What’s more, you can spend your work days being more alert after hypnotherapy.

2. You Don’t Get Breathless With Worry

You may become scared when… you cannot breathe suddenly! You fear the worst — a heart attack.

However, it is not a heart problem, but your anxiety. This therapy can help you stop it:

  • It helps your subconscious to stay calm in hurtful situations.
  • Your hypnotherapist teaches you breathing exercises. That helps you to breathe normally during triggering events. You may learn:
  • Controlled breathing: Inhale – Hold breath – Count – Exhale
  • 4-7-8 breathing: Inhale 4 seconds – Hold 7 seconds – Exhale 8 seconds
  • Heart breathing: You place a hand on your heart. Then, you breathe while imagining that you are breathing through your heart.
  • Anxiety hypnotherapy helps you to reduce muscle tension too. Hence, you can breathe properly when you get anxious.

3. Your Attention Span Increases

Does your brain “shut off” as soon as you become anxious? This treatment method may help you stay more focused:

  • You learn not to think about “what-ifs” all the time. Instead, you focus on how you can face situations and stay calm.
  • You become better at setting positive priorities. You won’t stay wrapped up in negative thoughts.
  • Hypnotherapy for anxiety teaches you relaxation tips and hacks. That will help you concentrate more. You may learn:
  • Progressive muscle relaxation: You start relaxing your toe muscles and move all the way up to your head.
  • Visualisation: You imagine your happy place to calm your mind.

4. You Don’t Feel Dizzy Anymore

Those worrying thoughts and breathlessness can make you dizzy. Why? Because your brain goes into an adrenaline frenzy. It is your fight-or-flight mode that affects your respiratory system, too.

Hypnotherapy will:

  • Help you regulate your body’s stress response. You don’t get adrenaline rushes that way.
  • Relax your subconscious mind so your muscles can relax, too.
  • Use methods like Guided Imagery. It helps you keep a good balance in your daily life.

You might think that Guided Imagery and Visualisation are the same methods. They are similar but not the same. Guided Imagery uses your five senses to help you imagine a relaxing scene.

On the other hand, Visualisation helps you to go into your favorite place and feel calm… just by being there. You don’t have to use all your senses.

5. Your Stomach Pain Disappears

Yes, your stomach or abdomen hurts because of anxiety. Don’t worry, though, because this therapy:

  • Helps your body to reduce the stress hormones that upset your stomach.
  • Uses the Visualisation method to relax your abdominal muscles.
  • Makes your mind-body link better so your gut stays pain-free.

Gut-focused hypnotherapy helps your mind control your stomach health. You learn to keep your digestive system healthy through positive thoughts.

Think it is unbelievable? Keep reading.

Want to See Proof? Lauren Gives It to You

Lauren came to us in great anxiety. She worried about anything and everything.

Our hypnotherapist, Sandy’s, POV:

“She was anxious all the time when she came to see me…always having intrusive thoughts. Since the 1st session, she felt relieved from the Emotion Detox we did. After a few sessions, she was able to break free from the fear-based cycle that held her back. She felt a lot calmer, more present.”

Lauren’s review:

Brisbane hypnotherapy

In a Nutshell

Hypnotherapy for anxiety helps you more than just calming your constant worry. It helps you manage dizziness and even stomach pain! What’s more, it is quicker than other therapies. You can call Make It Happen Hypnotherapy in Brisbane at 047-515-9415 to learn more about it.

Frequently Asked Questions

What Is the Success Rate of Hypnosis for Anxiety?

Studies show hypnosis can reduce anxiety symptoms in 80-90% of cases.

Does Hypnotherapy Actually Work for Anxiety?

Yes, hypnotherapy for anxiety works to upgrade your old memories since your childhood. This helps you release your anxiety from the root. Hypnotherapy also can help change your negative thoughts to positive, and retrain your body to feel calmer.

They force you to suffer from anxiety when you grow up. This therapy helps you change your negative thoughts into positive ones. So, you don’t remain anxious anymore.

How Quickly Does Hypnosis Work?

Hypnosis can help you improve within 4-6 sessions. However, you might need more sessions to recover completely.

Picture of Sandy Wong

Sandy Wong

Written by Sandy Wong
Founder of Make It Happen Hypnotherapy

Clinical Hypnotherapist
QHHT Practitioner
Hypno-Breathwork Practitioner
Certified Havening Techniques Practitioner
NLP Practitioner
Life Coach


Our Clinical Hypnotherapists will guide you into a state of trance similar to daydreaming. By working with your subconscious mind, we will find out the underlying causes of your emotional suffering, and establish desired outcomes for you. To achieve this, we will use various techniques like Inner Child Therapy, Regression, Parts Therapy, Gestalt Therapy, Rewind Technique, and more.