In today’s world, depression is becoming a major psychological disorder. People with depression may have problem in sleeping, or feeling exhausted all the time, easily getting sick as their immune system is taking a back seat.
All these problems because they are continually over stressed than they need to be, and there is chemical changes in the brain because of the depression.
Depressed person’s bloodstream is so full of stress hormone, and the body is on the lookout for threat, so any physical function not directly connected with immediate survival tends to get switched off, that’s why some depressed people temporarily lose interest in sex.
How to Get Rid of Depression?
Depressed people usually feel overwhelmed, lost and directionless. Powered by strong emotion, depression tends to induce emotional thinking – all or nothing, black and white terms, oversimplified, absolutist or extremist negative thoughts, e.g. nothing good ever happens to me, people always let me down, etc.
They use less of their strategic left-brain, therefore a shift to the other side of the brain; practice strategic thinking can help lift their mood.
Medication sometimes makes depressed people become zombies; it does not help them to change the state of mind. So, solely depending on medication is hard to lift one from depression.
So, people with depression need to work on their mental strength to break the patterns of feelings stuck, helpless, and hopeless. Changing the negative thinking process is the key to leave depression behind.
Useful Steps to Come Out of Depression
If you are having depression, or if your loved one is suffering from depression, we are going to share with you 8 steps which you can follow to free yourself or help your loved ones to be free from depression. Lift Depression Effectively
1. Assess Where You Are at
If 1 is the most depressed it’s possible to be, and 10 is the happiest possible to be:
- Where are you right now would you say?
- What stop you becoming 10 right now?
- What do you suppose will be different when you are at a 7?
- What will you have more of going on?
- What will you be doing differently when you are at 8?
As you become more mindful of your state of mind, this scale of 1-10 acts as an indicator to remind you to shift your frame of mind from the negative to the positive
2. Quit the Rumination Process
Rumination is usually about either irresolvable issues or issues happened in the past that you think cannot be readily resolved. Learn to stay at the present, being mindful of your daily activities. Aware if you are always looking down. Start to look up to change your direction of thinking with your eye movement.
Recognise any unhelpful thought, and challenge your thinking, e.g. is it the only way to look at it? Build positive expectation and look at the future optimistically that positive change is inevitable.
Instill hope in life by appreciating little things. Through Hypnotherapy for Depression, we help you to stop rumination and redirect your mind to the present moment.
3. Let Go of Victim Mentality
If you find yourself always complaining, and being a victim of life, it’s time to get out from this loop pattern. Only by taking responsibilities of what comes to you as a learning opportunity will help yourself to become a victor of circumstances.
4. Identify What’s in Your Control and What’s Not
Examine how you think about things and people. Address issues of rigidity and allow flexibility when looking at things. Depressed people evaluate distortions of what is and isn’t controllable in their life.
They may suffer from the illusion of control in which they believe they can control things and make things happen that are in fact beyond the actual range of powers.
5. Leave Guilt and Liberate
Excessive or inappropriate guilt is a typical and emotionally powerful component of the overall experience of depression. Guilt usually surfaces when you do not live up to someone’s expectations or even their own expectations.
You may feel personally responsible for how other people think the choices that other people make, the things that others do and the things that other people do not do. Identify what you are and are not responsible for and you also let other people make their own choices responsibly.
6. Realize Your Coping Abilities to Deal With Life’s Stressors
Everyone has problems, stressors, disappointments, rejections, losses and other hardships and circumstances that are occasionally painful.
Learn that when bad things happen, they are usually transient, there are things you can bounce back from and move on from in your life and they represent only one portion of life, not all of your life.
Realise that you can experience the kind of things that you want to experience in pleasure and enjoyment. There are lots of things that fall in the realm of your control and you can do many things to prevent unnecessary stresses, and avoid potentially depressing circumstances.
7. Develop a Sensible Sequence to Address Problems
You may be aware of all the problems that you are facing in life, seemingly all at once, which would be overwhelming for anyone.
Instead of identifying all the problems all at once, prioritize what can be resolved first and establish a sensible sequence in which the problems are going to be addressed. Learn to separate one aspect of experience from another, to discover where to draw the line.
8. Allow Time to Re-Orientate
Identify depression as a natural response to feeling stuck until you get unstuck, this is a passing experience. Shutting down energy for a while may be serving a valuable purpose.
Imagine a boat going along a river which has many different streams, if a road is blocked, you don’t just try and carry on as if nothing happened, the boat need to stop for a while in order to re-orientate, it need to do nothing for a bit.
Once you remove the blockage, you can then continue the way you were going or you might begin to see an alternate route you can take. Whatever happens, you need to stop for a while, in order to make sense of things, and decide what to do next.
The Power of Choice
Recognise that at any given moment of time, you have the ability to choose whether you will respond and how you will respond to different people and different circumstances. Starts from now, begin to have an orientation towards the future that allows you to be goal oriented. You start to believe that how the things that you do right now will impact on the events yet to come.
As you start to leave the depression behind, you will notice how your thinking becomes less extremist, much less black and white. Your stress hormone level will normalise and your self-confidence returns, so too will your sleep, as well as your sex drive.
The Way Out
If you have been depressed for quite a long time and seems can’t find a way out, seek help from a professional Hypno-Psychotherapist is a wise option to leave depression behind forever. It has been proven that Hypnotherapy for Depression Brisbane works and we have seen many of our clients transformed and shifted within in only few sessions, and they were even able to get off the anti-depressant.
Do not let your negative emotions hinder your way. Get ready for an amazing and life-changing experience, Book a FREE Hypnotic-NLP Strategy Session now