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Masterclass Money Back Guarantee Conditions:

  • You have to be committed full time building your holistic practice;

Building a business requires full dedication and complete focus. To achieve ultimate results, we require you to be full-time committed to        building your practice.


  • You have to submit all your assignments on time;

We will provide you with assignments and tasks to be completed from time to time which will lead you to build a successful practice, some    assignments are optional while others are mandatory, and you must submit all the assignments on time so you can progress throughout the  masterclass.


  • You have to follow exactly our instructions;

All assignments are going to be explained how and by using case studies to make it easy for you. You must complete the assignments as          demonstrated throughout the masterclass. You will have more time to adjust your work if necessary, however, all work must be submitted      and approved by the due day.


  • You have to complete the entire 6-month masterclass;

The masterclass is progressive and there is a significant milestone to be achieved by the end of each module, you must be committed to the  entire masterclass to gain the full benefits and to start noticing some results.


  • We reserve all rights to refuse to allocate the initial business investment under our discretion:

Allocating the initial investment to work under the MIHH brand is directly correlated with the money-back guarantee condition. If we    have refused to have you represent the MIHH brand, this means, you haven’t met the money-back guarantee condition. As we can only      invite high-quality therapists to represent our brand, we cannot promise everyone to have this privilege. However, throughout the              masterclass we will show you how to become a top-quality therapist, the rest will be left to your effort and your work quality.  


  • All promised results will apply only when working under the MIHH brand and business system: 

You will be invited to use MIHH’s well-established business system and robust marketing strategy. Working under the MIHH brand is for    demonstration and is an additional income source only. The results you will achieve which will be covered under this condition will be only  monitored and measured when working under the MIHH brand and using our business system only.


  • You must be willing to allocate funds to build your own business:

You can still establish your brand and build your system, which we highly recommend. Therefore, from time to time, there will be                additional expenses required if you have decided to build your own business aside from MIHH. Some of these expenses are:


  • Allocating a team to help you establish your brand
  • Building your website
  • Your software and booking system
  • Your marketing & advertising 


These tasks are optional and you may complete them at your own pace.


  • Results can be varied depending on the market conditions;

We promise you that you will have results by following our instructions, however, most of these results are dependent on both internal and  external factors such as:


  • Your choice of niche, 
  • Your choice of keywords,
  • Your local area,
  • The reviews you will receive from clients,
  • Market competition,
  • Other external factors 

Therefore, we cannot promise any specific results as most of these factors are out of our control.


  • All conditions must be met:
  • In order to claim your money-back guarantee, all conditions must be met.


  • These offers are only valid for the masterclass period:

Our money-back guarantee offer and all of the above conditions are only valid for the masterclass period. If you are willing to continue        working with MIHH beyond the masterclass period, a new arrangement must be established.


Our Clinical Hypnotherapists will guide you into a state of trance similar to daydreaming. By working with your subconscious mind, we will find out the underlying causes of your emotional suffering, and establish desired outcomes for you. To achieve this, we will use various techniques like Inner Child Therapy, Regression, Parts Therapy, Gestalt Therapy, Rewind Technique, and more.