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Letting Go of the Past

Hypnotherapy for Letting Go of the Past

Do you often dwell in the past and overthink everything? Do you overthink so much and try to “fix” what happened ? 

Many of you may have tried to control your thinking, or calm your mind by meditation, but you still always ruminate, and those thoughts seem to keep looping in your mind. You may start to wonder, how to let go of the past?

One of the best ways to let go of the past is to undergo hypnotherapy.

Hypnotherapy is one of the types of therapies that can help you in learning to let go of the past and move on. Further, it can help you see life in a new light after letting go of painful memories, so that you can be content and at peace.

Why Is It So Hard to Let Go of the Past?

One may wonder why the past has such a grip on our behaviors and thinking patterns, so much that it affects our daily life.

Our mind is very good at holding onto the emotions associated with past experiences. Not being able to let go of the past has much to do with how past experiences encode in your brain and how the brain processes what happened. The problems that you are experiencing now are the consequence of traumatic or stressful encoding, thus affecting your present.

 But, the good thing is that hypnotherapy is one of the most effective ways to let go of the past. ‘Make It Happen Hypnotherapy’ (MIHH) in Australia offer the best hypnotherapy service that helps individuals struggling to let go of the past and move forward without using drugs of any kind. 

At MIHH, our highly experienced hypnotherapists help you break free from your past using proven powerful hypnotic practices and other effective mind training techniques.

How does Hypnotherapy for Letting Go of the Past Help?

In hypnotherapy, individuals who are unable to let go of the past and embrace the future are introduced to mindfulness as a process. The therapist at MIHH ensures that with the help of mindfulness, you learn to stay in the present and detach from your thoughts and emotions that pent up from the past.

Thus, if you are undertaking hypnotherapy to let go of the past, you will learn to step back, be your own observer, and watch and let go of your own negative thoughts, so that you are able to have the peace of mind.

Through techniques like Havening and Hypnotherapy, you will be guided to release your negative emotions in a safe space. These negative emotions pent-up due to your inability to let go of your past mistakes that you may have made. Instead of feeling overwhelmed with the emotions, you will first gain an understanding of what the emotions do for you and then release them.

Further, you will learn to take full responsibility for your past and cease to be a victim of your situation. In this way, you can release yourself from the past. And so, the past memories can no longer control you or affect your well-being.

Hypnotherapy for letting go of the past as a process is seen as extremely effective in reducing the anxiety associated with the past. This type of therapy addresses deep-rooted causes or events that made you have irrational fears of your past. Such fears could relate to either some events from childhood or adolescence. Meaning hypnotherapy  addresses negative patterns arising from the events that encoded in the brain and were embedded in your subconscious. This in turn made you increasingly anxious when being triggered in normal life.

As fearful thoughts feed your negative emotions, anxiety feeds your negative thoughts. At ‘Make It Happen Hypnotherapy’ we interrupt the conditioned pattern and alter the neural pathways in your brain, so that you can  rebuild new beneficial ones that serve you.

Through hypnosis sessions, you will be guided to interrupt negative thinking patterns, and reframe the thoughts. As a result, you will become empowered with your new way of seeing things.

Hypnotherapy for letting go of the past works by changing the perception of your past experiences, expanding your mental horizons, and taking them as new learnings. All these help you build positive attitudes about life again.

With the new ways of seeing past memories, you will feel much more at peace and content. You will go about life with a clear mind and start to experience mental freedom like never before.

One of the big takeaways of hypnotherapy is that it introduces you to new coping strategies. When you participate in the hypnosis session, a sense of calmness will unfold in you. This sense of calm will become part of your everyday life after the sessions.

What is Included in our “Hypnotherapy for Letting Go Of The Past” Program*?

What do you expect?
  • Calming your mind, being the observer of your own mind, and practicing effective emotion regulations thus resulting in you letting go of the past
  • Stopping self-destructive, self-defeating thoughts as a result of not being able to let go of the past and replacing such negative thoughts with positive ones
  • Accepting the past and moving on by not getting influenced by others as well as being at peace with yourself
  • Changing your belief system (Regression), healing the inner child, and resolving the emotions of not letting go of the past the inner child still holds
  • Letting go of past hurt ( Empty chair) 
  • Learning how to let go of the past hurt ( Havening ) and releasing emotions
  • Resolving mind conflicts ( Parts Therapy ) and making your best decisions
  • Enhancing self-love and self-esteem
  • Facing the fear of not letting go of bad memories and breaking the wall

*The hypnotherapy for Letting Go Of The Past program will be tailor-made for each individual. Usually, only a few sessions (around 5-7 sessions) are needed. But, since everyone’s needs are variable, the number of sessions may vary.

Why Should You Choose Us As Your Hypnotherapist?

  • Our therapists truly understands what you are experiencing and knows well how to help you overcome emotional abuse.
  • Registered with the Australian Hypnotherapist Association, the therapists at MIHH also keep up to date with the latest therapies.
  • We at MIHH use Psychotherapy(E-CBT), Hypnotherapy, Havening, Neuro-Linguistic Programming to communicate with your subconscious mind coupled with counseling and coaching to help you overcome emotional abuse.
  • Also, we provide tailor-made hypnotherapy for emotional abuse programs for each individual and deliver lifelong changes, not short-term solutions.

Hypnotherapy for Letting Go of the Past

At Make it Happen Hypnotherapy, we are eager to help who have a tough time letting go of your past in the right manner. 

You will be encouraged and taught how to unlearn irrational fears and anxiety associated with your past memories through hypnotic suggestions. As a result, such suggestions work at your subconscious level.

There is enough scientific evidence to prove that your mind remains highly sensitive to suggestions during the hypnotic or trance state. Thus, a professional therapist during that period can successfully “reset” negative associations in your subconscious with far healthier and positive ones.

Client A had a heavy drinking problem

Book a FREE Hypnotic Strategy Session with one of our therapists to learn more about your challenge and share with your unique approach to help you letting go of the past.

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What Others Are Saying?

I really enjoyed the sessions with Sandy. Where I was, compared to where I am now, is moving in the direction of where I really want to move.I highly recommend if anyone wants to achieve something very specific, Sandy is really gonna make a real difference. Are you scared of spiders? Does an encounter with spiders get you into panic mode? Do spiders make you lose your judgment and ability to perform conscious actions? These are all arachnophobia symptoms. The fear of spiders is called Arachnophobia. If you have such fear of spider symptoms, you may wonder how to overcome them?

Claim Your FREE Hypnotic-NLP Strategy Session

(30 mins Zoom Call) 


Our Clinical Hypnotherapists will guide you into a state of trance similar to daydreaming. By working with your subconscious mind, we will find out the underlying causes of your emotional suffering, and establish desired outcomes for you. To achieve this, we will use various techniques like Inner Child Therapy, Regression, Parts Therapy, Gestalt Therapy, Rewind Technique, and more.