Make It Happen Hypnotherapy
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Be In Control

Hypnotherapy for Hair-Pulling

Do you have an irresistible urge to pull your hair out? Hair pulling can be a serious condition but despite all the conscious effort, you fail to stop it. Not sure what to do? Take a few sessions at Make It Happen Hypnotherapy and leave behind the habit of pulling your hair.

What is Hair-Pulling All About?

Compulsive hair pulling (also called trichotillomania or hair-pulling disorder) is more common than you would think. It is a psychological disorder in which a person has a recurrent and extreme urge for pulling hair out from any part of the body such as the scalp, facial hair, eyelashes, eyebrows, etc.

Your hair-pulling behavior can be a result of your anxiety and stress. It is a way of your body dealing with negative and uncomfortable feelings such as fatigue, tension, stress, and anxiety, etc. Typically, you feel a sense of relief by hair picking.

Trying to stop obviously doesn’t work – you have tried that – but somehow, your hand always seems to make its way back to pulling hair out again. The reason is that stopping hair pulling with your willpower is hard because you make that effort at a conscious level. Whereas the problem is actually driven by the unconscious mind, in which your unconscious mind repeats the hair-pulling behavior in an effort to make you feel better.

To resolve the issue of hair picking, you need to work at the subconscious level, and hypnotherapy for hair pulling is proven to be the most effective way.

How Does Hypnotherapy for Hair-Pulling Work?

Hypnotherapy for hair pulling works at the subconscious level where the problem actually lies. It tackles the hair picking issue for a lasting change by:

Through hypnotherapy for hair pulling, you will be able to resolve various underlying emotional problems like anxiety and stress through powerful relaxation techniques. The hypnosis for hair-pulling session will help you seek a deeply relaxed state and learn self-hypnosis, including developing your “comfortable place” and learning to access  it on your own. Accordingly, whenever you’ll feel the urge to pull your hair out, you’ll be able to imagine yourself in that deeply relaxed comfortable place. Your hands will no longer seek hair for pulling them out.

You may have hair-pulling behavior because of any stressors in your life. Hypnotherapy for hair-pulling will help you to identify any underlying causal factors related to such behavior. Our online hypnotherapy for hair pulling will rewire the old neural pathways for a permanent change. However, the newly formed associations will need to be repeated in the mind until they override the previous patterns to stop hair-pulling behavior. With the conjunction of mindfulness practice, you will return to your driving seat and be in control of your own behaviors and feelings that you may have in the past and may have made you feel out of control.

What is Included in Our Therapy for “Stop Hair-pulling Program”?

  • Emotion detox, achieving mindfulness and witnessing self
  • Replacing unwanted thinking and hair pulling behaviour with desired ones using Enhanced Cognitive Behavioural Therapy(E-CBT)
  • Implementing Regression, Inner Child Work, etc
  • Eliminating any fear (e.g. fear of failure, rejection, etc), undertaking anger management
  • Engineering your ideal state of confidence and self-esteem
  • Building resilience and more

*The hypnosis for hair pulling program will be tailor-made for each individual. Usually, only a few sessions (around 3-5 sessions) are needed.  But, since everyone’s needs are variable, the number of sessions may vary.

What Do You Expect?

Our experienced Clinical hypnotherapists will guide you into a relaxed and receptive trance state where you can make profound changes within yourself.

Once your body is relaxed, your mind will relax too. Through the Hypnotherapy for Hair Pulling session, Sandy gains access to your subconscious mind where she attempts to solve any problems that you may have.

In just around 3-5 therapy sessions, you can recover entirely without having any adverse side effects.

As a matter of fact, all our clients suffering from hair picking conditions and taking hypnosis sessions reported that the beneficial effects last long after the hypnotherapy program.

Why Should You Choose Us As Your Therapist?

Skilled and Professional

  • Our licensed hypnotherapist, Sandy Wong, at the ‘Make It Happen Hypnotherapy’ Brisbane center truly understands what you are experiencing in the context of Hair Pulling Disorder and gives everything can help you to have a more balanced life.
  • Registered with the Australian Hypnotherapist Association, Sandy also keeps up to date with the latest therapies.
  • Sandy uses Psychotherapy (like E-CBT for Hair Pulling Disorder), Hypnotherapy, Neuro-Linguistic Programming to communicate with your subconscious mind coupled with counseling and coaching
  • She also provides tailor-made hair pulling hypnotherapy programs for each individual suffering from Trichotillomania or hair picking and delivers life-long change, not short-term solutions.

Hypnosis for Hair-Pulling

We at ‘Make It Happen Hypnotherapy’ offer a comprehensive hypnosis hair pulling or Trichotillomania treatment as we believe that all life problems faced by each one are related.

Thus, dealing with one issue like obsessive hair pulling may not completely solve your problem. Hence, we deal with all your problems with bad memories, negative emotions, phobias, limiting beliefs, addictions, poor relationships, etc. in our hypnotherapy program.

Client A had a heavy drinking problem

Want to leave your hair alone and end the hair-pulling compulsion forever?

Book a strategy session to see how we can help you for a permanent solution!

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What Others Are Saying?

"I have been dealing with insecurity and anxiety since my childhood and after a horrible night I decided I need someone who helps to overcome these issues. That person is Sandy, she is a kind, patient, and knowledgeable hypnotherapist and beautiful soul. She approached me with love and great understanding which made me feel safe during our session. It’s great that she is able to make patients feel safe and gain trust because sessions can be very emotional.

I had an unbelievable and life changing experience with Sandy, she showed me where the root of my problem was and how I can change that. I’ll definitely recommend hypnotherapy with Sandy for my friends, young girls and everyone else who suffers from anxiety and insecurity."

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Our Clinical Hypnotherapists will guide you into a state of trance similar to daydreaming. By working with your subconscious mind, we will find out the underlying causes of your emotional suffering, and establish desired outcomes for you. To achieve this, we will use various techniques like Inner Child Therapy, Regression, Parts Therapy, Gestalt Therapy, Rewind Technique, and more.