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How to Stop Negative Thoughts?
Overcoming Negativity and Gaining Control

how to stop negative thoughts

Negative thoughts can be overwhelming and can spiral into a loop of self-doubt, anxiety, and depression. The constant repetition of negative thoughts can have a significant impact on our mental health and wellbeing. The good news is that it’s possible to break out of this cycle and overcome negative thought patterns. By understanding why our minds tend to loop negative thoughts and learning effective strategies to manage them, we can take control of our thoughts and improve our mental wellbeing.

In this article, we will explore the various ways in which you can overcome negative thinking and gain control over your thoughts, so that you can have a happier, more fulfilling life.

Why Our Mind Tend to Loop Negative Thoughts?

Our minds tend to loop negative thoughts because of a phenomenon called negativity bias. Negativity bias is the tendency for our brains to give greater attention and weight to negative experiences and thoughts compared to positive ones. This bias may have evolved as a survival mechanism, as it would have been more beneficial for our ancestors to be highly attuned to potential threats in their environment.

This means that when we experience negative thoughts or emotions, our brains tend to give them more attention and importance, causing them to loop and repeat. Additionally, negative thoughts and emotions can activate the amygdala, which is a part of the brain that plays a key role in processing emotions and survival responses. Once the amygdala is activated, it can cause a cycle of negative thinking that is difficult to break out of.

Understanding Negative Thinking

Negative thinking and emotions can be deeply ingrained in the subconscious mind, making it difficult for individuals to change their behavior through conscious effort alone.

Negative thinking is a thought pattern where you focus on the negative aspects of a situation, person, or event. It can lead to feelings of sadness, anxiety, and stress. Negative thinking can also impact your self-esteem and confidence, making it difficult to accomplish your goals.

There are several types of negative thoughts that you may experience. Some of the most common include:

  1. Automatic Negative Thoughts: These are thoughts that come to mind automatically, without any conscious effort on your part. They are often negative and can be difficult to control.

  2. Intrusive Thoughts: These are thoughts that come to mind even though you don’t want them to. They can be disturbing and may cause anxiety or stress.

  3. Negative Self-Talk: This is when you talk to yourself in a negative way, such as telling yourself that you are not good enough, or that you will never succeed.

4 Steps to Overcome Negative Thinking

It can be hard to shift from thinking negative to positive right away. However, there are ways to overcome negative thinking and gain control over your thoughts. Here are the 4 steps:

  1. Be Mindful of Your Thoughts: The first step in overcoming negative thinking is to be mindful that you are having negative thoughts. This will help you to become more aware of your thought patterns and allow you to take steps to change them.

  2. Challenge Negative Self-Talk: Remember that you are in control of your thoughts. If you notice negative self-talk, challenge it with “What if it is not true?” question. It involves questioning the validity of negative thoughts by asking yourself, “what if the opposite were true?” For example, if you have the thought, “I can’t do it,” you could ask yourself, “what if it’s not true? What if I can do it?”  This can help you consider alternative perspectives and challenge the negative thought pattern.

  3. Consider the evidence: As above, give evidence for the “what if” statement. Let your mind come up with evidence that supports this idea.

  4. Expanding your perspectives: when challenging negative thoughts. This means actively seeking out evidence that contradicts negative thoughts and considering alternative viewpoints. One way to expand your perspective is to ask yourself open-ended questions that encourage exploration and curiosity. For example, ask “What evidence supports this thought, and what evidence contradicts it?” This can help you consider a wider range of possibilities and challenge negative thoughts more effectively.

If you are struggling to overcome negative thoughts, consider seeking help from a professional therapist. A blend of Hypnotherapy, Psychotherapy and Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy (CBT) can be very effective to help you gain control over your thoughts and emotions.

Hypnotherapy: Powerful Tool for Change

Hypnotherapy can be highly effective in addressing negative thoughts. Hypnotherapy is a form of therapy that uses hypnosis to help individuals access their unconscious mind and make positive changes to their behaviours, thoughts, and emotions. Hypnotherapy has many benefits and it can be used to help people rewire their brain by reprogramming the subconscious. 

You may wonder why making changes at the subconscious level can be easier? Because the subconscious mind is responsible for many of our automatic thoughts, feelings, and behaviors. These automatic processes are often deeply ingrained, and they can be difficult to change through conscious effort alone.

The subconscious mind is also less influenced by rational thought and logic, and it is more receptive to suggestion and visualization. This is why hypnotherapy can be particularly effective in making changes at the subconscious level, as it allows individuals to bypass their conscious mind and access their subconscious mind more directly.

When changes are made at the subconscious level, they can also be more long-lasting. This is because the changes are integrated into the individual’s automatic thought processes, making them more natural and effortless. As a result, individuals are more likely to continue to behave and think in ways that are consistent with their new beliefs and attitudes

Hypnotherapy in Conjunction with CBT for Positivity

CBT focuses on identifying and changing negative patterns of thinking and behaviours. It involves working with a therapist to identify negative thoughts, beliefs, and attitudes and develop strategies to challenge and replace them with more positive ones.

When Hypnotherapy and CBT are combined, they can be even more effective in helping individuals overcome negative thoughts. Hypnotherapy can help individuals make changes at the subconscious level. For example, hypnotherapist can use mental rehearsal, facilitating the individual to imagine positive outcomes and visualize oneself successfully handling difficult situations.

By mentally rehearsing positive outcomes, individuals can begin to shift their negative thoughts to more positive ones, which can help them feel more confident and in control. Mental rehearsal can be particularly useful for individuals who struggle with anxiety, as it can help them prepare for challenging situations and reduce their feelings of anxiety.

CBT can help individuals develop the skills they need to identify and challenge negative thoughts on their own, allowing them to continue to make progress even after their therapy sessions have ended.

Final Thoughts

Overcoming negative thinking is a process that takes time and effort. It is important to remember that it’s not about just acknowledging your thoughts, your feelings, but you are in control of your thoughts and emotions. 

Also, making rapid changes at the subconscious level requires the help of a trained professional. A skilled therapist can help you identify and challenge negative thoughts, beliefs, and behaviors and replace them with more positive ones, leading to significant improvements in their mental health and overall well-being.

If you are ready for change and be more positive, book a FREE Strategy Call with us and learn more.

Frequently Asked Questions

The success rate of hypnosis can vary depending on a variety of factors, such as how ready and determined is the individual for change, how skillful and experienced is the hypnotherapist, and the specific goal of the hypnosis session. If you believe in Neuroplasticity, hypnosis will work wonder for you.

Hypnotherapy is a natural, safe and effective tool in treating alcoholism, as it can help individuals address underlying psychological factors that may be contributing to their addiction. 

Alcoholism is often fueled by negative thought patterns and beliefs, such as feelings of low self-esteem, anxiety, and depression. These negative thoughts and emotions can be deeply ingrained in the subconscious mind, making it difficult for individuals to change their behavior through conscious effort alone.

Hypnotherapy can help individuals access their subconscious mind and make positive changes to their thoughts, beliefs, and behaviors. Through hypnosis, individuals can identify and challenge negative beliefs and replace them with more positive ones. Hypnotherapy can also help individuals develop coping strategies to deal with stress and other triggers that may lead to alcohol use.

In addition to addressing the underlying psychological factors of alcoholism, hypnotherapy can also be used to reinforce positive behaviors and build self-confidence. Hypnotherapy can help individuals visualize themselves successfully overcoming their addiction and living a healthy, alcohol-free life, which can help build motivation and commitment to recovery.

While hypnosis can be a highly effective tool for personal growth and behavior change, it is important to recognize that not everyone will respond to hypnosis in the same way. Here are some factors that can contribute to hypnosis failure:

  1. Lack of motivation or commitment: Hypnosis requires active participation and effort from the individual. If someone is not motivated or committed to making changes, hypnosis is unlikely to be effective.
  2. Lack of trust in the therapist: For hypnosis to be effective, the individual must have trust and confidence in the therapist. If there is a lack of trust or a poor rapport between the individual and therapist, hypnosis may not be effective.
  3. Lack of repetition: For hypnosis to be effective, it often requires repetition over time. If an individual does not practice self-hypnosis or receive regular hypnotherapy sessions, the changes made during hypnosis may not be sustained.

  4. Lack of self-help tools: Hypnosis is just one tool for personal growth and behavior change. If an individual does not have access to other self-help tools or strategies to maintain the changes made during hypnosis, the changes may not be sustained.

  5. Unresolved underlying issues: Hypnosis can be effective in addressing specific behaviors or habits, but it may not be effective in addressing underlying emotional or psychological issues that contribute to the behavior.

  6. Expectations and mindset: An individual’s expectations and mindset can influence the effectiveness of hypnosis. If someone expects hypnosis to fail or is resistant to the idea of hypnosis, it may not be effective.

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Our Clinical Hypnotherapists will guide you into a state of trance similar to daydreaming. By working with your subconscious mind, we will find out the underlying causes of your emotional suffering, and establish desired outcomes for you. To achieve this, we will use various techniques like Inner Child Therapy, Regression, Parts Therapy, Gestalt Therapy, Rewind Technique, and more.