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Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

The majority of issues are treated in therapy sessions for adults, teens, and children at ‘Make It Happen Hypnotherapy’ (MIHH). These hypnosis sessions include treating anxiety, panic attacks, stress, IBS, OCD, social anxiety, hair pulling, nail-biting, blushing, fear & phobia, anger, sleep problems, weight loss, eating disorders, trauma, addictions, etc.

Besides providing therapeutic services, our  therapists at MIHH help you in personal development. For instance, we help you to improve focus and concentration, memory, regain confidence in public speaking, find life purpose, attract wealth and abundance, etc. 

Hypnosis is nothing less than the deliberate creation of the REM (Rapid Eye Movement) state in ourselves. By deliberately activating the REM state, we open the interface with the subconscious, where our brainwave slows down to alpha state, and we become highly receptive and suggestible for changes.

All the work we do here at ‘Make It Happen Hypnotherapy’ is through collaboration. As hypnotherapists, we act as the guide to your internal experience, the mediator of different parts of your psyches. Thus, as long as you have the willingness to go within, you can get to a hypnotic state very easily, being present, mindful of your inner experience is the key.

What it takes for a successful session is your willingness to follow the instructions and TRUST the process. Our Clinical hypnotherapists will help you with their expertise to achieve whatever you desire to change or overcome. Know that EVERYONE can rewire, reprogram their brain.

Our therapists work with a wide range of age groups, starting from 7-year-olds. We mainly use Havening techniques as the key modality when working with children as we have the best results so far.

In fact, children spend most of their time in Alpha and Theta brainwave cycles. This is the same state when anyone is under hypnosis, highly receptive and suggestible.

But what is important to note here is that no matter what age, we put you, the individual we work with as our highest priority because your subconscious mind knows what the underlying issues are.

Hypnosis is not sleeping. You can call it “meditation with a goal”. When you are in a very relaxed and focused state, you feel like you are “asleep”. But here we refer to the sleep of the conscious mind. Know that your subconscious mind never sleeps.

You will be fully aware of the therapist’s voice and can recall what you have experienced after the therapy session ends.

 A trained therapist knows how deep to take you in a trance state according to the therapy session needs.

The majority of our clients describe hypnosis as a pleasant, relaxing, and even interesting experience. When you are in the state of trance, you breathe slower and deeper, with your limbs and eyelids feeling heavy. 

Through the facilitation by our experienced hypnotherapists, you will be drifted off and taken to different time and space, to resolve your problems which lie at the subconscious level, your feeling mind.

 Remember, all hypnosis is self hypnosis. You will be fully in control, totally aware of what we are doing. You will be focusing on your inner world, your inner experience, including your sensations, feelings, and emotions. The more you allow yourself to tune in, the more successful your session will be.

Unlike the hypnosis you find on Youtube, for some sessions, we will have interactions with your subconscious mind through dialogues, getting to understand the agenda, fears of different parts/psyches, to allow all parts/psyches to work together in harmony. Remember, you will be fully in control throughout the hypnotherapy session. 

Many of our clients realise their issues, or even feel a shift right after the first session.

No client is “made” to do anything against his/her will using hypnosis. All hypnosis is self-hypnosis. As a hypnosis therapist, we are just a facilitator, to help you to work with your subconscious mind, empower you to achieve any goals you want to achieve.

Everyone is different, depending on what we work on in a particular therapy session.

For example, after an emotion detox session, you may feel lighter, but can be a bit tired after having your pent up emotions released.

If we are having a session to find the root cause of an issue, you might become more self compassionate from your new perception of looking at things.

Whether what sessions we have, you will always leave the hypnotherapy session with a sense of understanding, freedom, and empowerment.

And you may continue to discover even more about yourself and gain more new insights as you have opened up your subconscious mind to work with you, rather than against you.

Have you been seeing psychologists, psychiatrists, or counselors, but haven’t got enough results? Well, what holds you back is the baggages from your subconscious.

We cannot alter feelings and perception which are stored at the subconscious level by simply talking about them, that’s why most talk therapies fail to facilitate long term changes.

To make real changes, you need to access the subconscious level where the problems were formed in the first place and unlearn them. That’s why Clinical Hypno-Psychotherapy is the solution.

Our therapists at MIHH can guide you to access your control centre of the mind where all of your programmings are stored, we will help you to clear old, outdated patterns of thinking, inner conflicts, emotional hurt, and inner pain. You will return to your true self and be able to manage situations and people in a much more assertive and positive way. In only a few therapy sessions, you will feel happier and much more in control again.

You might be able to find a lot of hypnosis audios and videos on YouTube, but they are not targeted to your exact goals and needs. Because the problems you think you have, is usually not the core underlying problem.

A trained hypnotherapist offers a personalised, comprehensive, and holistic program that helps you achieve your goals skilfully. Through the hypnotherapy sessions, our therapist will get to know your background, your conditions, and help you expand your awareness around your issues. We will customise the therapy program as per your needs.

During the hypnosis therapy sessions, you will be guided to release negative emotions, remove any mental blockages, change limiting beliefs, upgrade your inner child, etc, all of these can be hard for you to do it on your own, and definitely, not from any YouTube videos.

If you are new to hypnotherapy, you might not know how to distinguish between a well-trained hypnotherapist and a hypnotist.

 As well-trained hypnotherapists, we don’t just work on your symptoms but help you create neural pathways for desired behaviour by accessing your subconscious. The hypnotists, on the other hand, use suggestion therapy, i.e. giving you suggestions about the unconscious mind with regards to your issues. This just serves as a bandage and not a long-term solution for your issues.

 A well-trained hypnotherapist helps you to resolve underlying emotional and psychological issues. She helps you find the root cause of your problem, puts you in the driver seat, and out of the dark so that your mind is no longer run by unconscious programming.

 For example, if you want to quit gambling, the steps of “Hypnotherapy for Stop Gambling” involve:

 Helping you to visualise how you exactly want to be as a person, e.g. a person with integrity.

  • Expanding your awareness of this unwanted behaviour.
  • Changing any negative thought patterns which lead to gambling. This involves linking pleasure with your newly set goal. For example, instead of spending money on gambling, you use the money for your higher purposes.
  • Finding out the root cause of why you gamble in the first place, helping you to release gambling in your mind and your connection to it.
  • Clearing inner conflicts, emotional hurt, and inner pain, which haven’t been dealt with.
  • Understanding different parts of you – especially the intention and needs of the “bad” part at the back of your mind, and integrate that part with other good parts of you so that all parts align and work together.
  • Relieving stress, developing coping strategies so that you can manage stress in any situation, and not use gambling again to escape from reality.

Working with therapists at MIHH covers all these aspects, to help you create lasting positive life changes.

One of the techniques therapists at MIHH use is called Regression. Regression is an amazing way to discover the source of an issue. You will be taken back to the source of the issue you have had in your past, observe the event like a detective, and with an adult eye (a higher perspective). As you observe, you will feel completely safe.

Hypnosis will reach your subconscious mind even if you do happen to fall asleep. If you would like to remain awake while listening to the hypnosis audio, we recommend you to seat upright and not lying down. Others prefer to listen to the hypnosis audio right before bed with the intention of falling asleep during or immediately after listening to it. This is especially great for those who want to overcome insomnia and stress. 

Hypnotherapy is not recommended for:  

 People with epilepsy, severe mental health problems (e.g. Schizophrenia) or psychotic symptoms (delusions, hallucinations, paranoia), or learning disabilities where cooperation is difficult;

  • Those under the influence of alcohol or drugs where concentration is impaired;
  • Children under 6 years old are too young for our session as they have a short attention span.
  • People experiencing diagnosed mental disorders, or who are on medication to suppress their emotional state. 

You are a good fit as a client if:

 You’re ready to actively participate in having your goal accomplished and problem solved

  • You’re serious to make a real change with an open-minded attitude
  • A natural, drug-free solution is important to you
  • You’d like to have a real conversation about your situation and co-operate fully with our therapist
  • You’re committed to the hypnosis therapy program to achieve a successful outcome 
  • You are willing to follow the instructions during the hypnosis and trust the process 
  • You’re committed to do the assignments, e.g. journaling, making notes, listening to hypnosis audio (after certain sessions) to let what we have done throughout the session sink in and reinforce your desired outcomes.

The number of hypnosis sessions needed is taken on a case-by-case basis and decided between the client and therapist depending on their needs. 

For example, quitting smoking needs at least 3 hypnosis sessions, while dealing with trauma needs at least 6 hypnosis therapy sessions. The goal of therapists at MIHH is to help you design the best personalised program with lasting results.

Here’s an example of the most effective 7 Steps Mind Training Program, which applies for most issues:

7 Steps Mind Training Program:

Step 1: Emotion Detox – release pent up hidden emotions in a safe space

Step 2: Resolve emotional trauma  / Quiet the mind

Step 3: Expand awareness of all triggers and change subconscious old conditioning or patterns

Step 4: Discover the root cause of the issue and upgrade belief system

Step 5: Resolve inner conflicts from the subconscious level  

Step 6: Training the mind with powerful mental rehearsal 

Step 7: Embed and reinforce positive changes at subconscious level

We, at MIHH, work in collaboration with our clients. Our therapists help you with our expertise, but you are responsible for whatever it is that you wish to change or overcome. You need to be determined to make a change and our online therapists will do their best to help you. It will work eventually if you aim for success and do what is required to rewire the brain the way you want. Book a Free Strategy session now and find out how we can help you.

You can choose to have your hypnotherapy sessions online. Currently, Zoom is used, as it is easy & free for you. With the promise of providing even better experience, now you can enjoy having the sessions in your own comfortable space. Clients have been reported great result from their online sessions.

 Please make sure you have the necessary privacy in your home or office for the online therapy sessions and have a pair of earphones/headphones. It’s recommended to use your laptop on your desk or you may put it on your lap with a pillow supporting underneath. During hypnosis, sitting down or lying down is fine as long as you feel comfortable.

If you have kids or other family members at home, please inform them and make sure you won’t get interrupted. Also, it’s recommended not to let any pets disturb your session.

If you have difficulties in finding a quiet space in working hours, we are more than happy to work out a time outside office hour that’s suitable for you. Just reach out to us and ask. 

Hypnotherapists do not come under Medicare. It’s not about experience or high standards, unfortunately.

Stage hypnosis makes use of hypnosis in a manipulative way in order to generate some unusual behaviors for entertainment. On the other hand, a Clinical Hypnotherapist uses hypnosis in an ethical way, within the control, permission, and full awareness of the clients. So a client will never do something he or she doesn’t agree with or doesn’t want to do.

What we do is brain training, and it takes time for us to train the brain the way we want. 

Currently, we are offering 3 types of program – 3, 5 and 7 sessions program for our clients. Because what we found is that, comparing a person having only 1 session, and another person with the same issue, having around 5 sessions, it’s much more beneficial and the results is a lot more long lasting. 

For you having 5-7 sessions, you will find a big shift happens in you, you will feel much better. Throughout the journey, you will get some powerful tools that you can use every day to train your mind. 

So, we don’t sell 1 session anymore, because we rather take people through the necessary steps to make the changes. Here’s an example of a 7 Steps Mind Training Program, which applies for most issues)

7 Steps Mind Training Program

Step 1: Emotion Detox – release pent up hidden emotions in a safe space

Step 2: Resolve emotional trauma  / Quiet the mind

Step 3: Expand awareness of all triggers and change subconscious old conditioning or patterns

Step 4: Discover the root cause of the issue and upgrade belief system

Step 5: Resolve inner conflicts from the subconscious level  

Step 6: Training the mind with powerful mental rehearsal 

Step 7: Embed and reinforce positive changes at subconscious level


Our Clinical Hypnotherapists will guide you into a state of trance similar to daydreaming. By working with your subconscious mind, we will find out the underlying causes of your emotional suffering, and establish desired outcomes for you. To achieve this, we will use various techniques like Inner Child Therapy, Regression, Parts Therapy, Gestalt Therapy, Rewind Technique, and more.