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Quitting Alcohol – Easy Methods For Getting Over The Addiction

Quitting alcohol

Quitting Alcohol – Easy Methods For Getting Over The Addiction is difficult but definitely possible with the right mindset and method. Don’t let alcohol control your life – Here’s how to stop drinking and break the habit.

Remember, the first step to recovery is admitting you have a problem. Then it’s all about taking the right action, like getting hypnotherapy for drinking and changing your life for the better.

What Is Considered A Heavy Drinker?

When talking about alcohol consumption, there can be a lot of confusion about what counts as “heavy drinking.”

  • Is it defined by how much you drink in a day? A week?
  • Is there a certain blood alcohol content level that classifies a heavy drinker?

NIAAA describes binge drinking as a pattern that brings your concentration of alcohol in blood to 0.08 g/dl or more, typically consuming 4 drinks or more for women and 5 drinks or more for men in 2 hours.

For the average adult, this is considered heavy drinking and can have serious health consequences if not monitored closely.

Binge Drinking vs Alcoholism: The Connection

Most people know what it means to binge drink. It’s when you drink a large amount of alcohol in a short period to chase the feeling of getting tipsy or drunk. But is alcoholism the same as binge drinking?

  1. People who binge drink usually have specific intentions of getting drunk; for example, some people may use alcohol to boost confidence, cope with social anxiety, feel part of the group, etc, whereas alcoholism is a habit of overusing alcohol and losing control of the addiction.
  2. Binge drinking is also usually done in social settings, while alcoholism usually involves drinking in isolation.


Moreover, people who binge drink typically don’t have the desire to drink every day, whereas people with alcoholism often do out of their conditioned pattern.

What Happens When You Drink Alcohol Every Day?

Heavy drinking can take a toll on your physical health, mental health, and overall well-being. Some potential consequences of heavy drinking include the following:

  • Your Liver Takes a Beating: Daily drinking can lead to alcoholic fatty liver disease, which is the buildup of fat in your Liver.
  • You Become Dependent on Alcohol: It reflects you need alcohol to function normally. If you try to stop drinking, you may experience withdrawal symptoms.
  • Your Immune System Suffers: You’re more likely to get sick when you drink every day. Alcohol can also make existing health conditions worse.
  • Mental health problems like anxiety and depression: Alcohol abuse may lead to mental health problems, such as anxiety and depression.
  • Social problems: Heavy drinking can cause relationship issues, trouble at work or school, and other social consequences.
  • Brain damage: If you drink each day, you may be damaging your brain cells. Studies have found that heavy drinking can lead to problems with memory and thinking.

How To Quit Alcohol?

With commitment and determination, anyone can quit drinking alcohol for good! Here’s how to do it:

1. Set A Clear Goal For Quitting Alcohol

2. Get Hypnotherapist Help – Hypnosis For Alcoholism

Quitting alcohol is easier said than done, so it’s important to get professional help. The most common challenge is that people with alcoholism often have “weak willpower.” Even if they want to stop drinking, they just cannot, and over time, they keep looping the conditioned over-drinking pattern.

An effective way to overcome this is through hypnotherapy for drinking. Think of it as a way to retrain your brain to break the addiction without worrying about withdrawal symptoms.

First, set a goal. Maybe you plan to lose weight and take back control of your life. 

Trying to quit without a specific goal will likely set you up for failure.

  • For some people, that might mean quitting cold turkey.
  • For others, it might mean cutting back to just a few drinks per week.

No matter what your goal is, make sure it’s realistic and attainable.

3. Give Clear Command to Your Mind

Strong determination is needed to stop drinking. Instead of asking yourself, “how much I should drink” every day, get rid of drinking once and for all. When you say to your mind, I need to “drink less,” but your mind cannot get what is “less” exactly. 

Instead, you can give a clear command to your mind, e.g.

”I choose only to drink on the weekdays.” 

“I choose not to drink at all because of the < pain > I will suffer or the < gain > I will get.”

4. Handling Drinking Triggers Strategically

Certain people, places, and things can trigger your urge to drink alcohol again (for example, driving past a bottle shop or thinking about your ex). Be aware of these triggers and handle them strategically to stay sober. Often, it’s observed this is the most challenging part, and online hypnosis sessions for drinking can be very useful.

Do you find it hard to stop gambling when it turns to a habit? Click here to stop your gambling addiction forever by hypnotherapy.

In a Nutshell

Breaking an addiction is never easy, but it’s always worth it. If you’re struggling with alcoholism, remember that you’re not alone and help is available. Ready to quit alcohol – book a FREE Hypnotic Strategy Call and take back control of your life today!


Our Clinical Hypnotherapists will guide you into a state of trance similar to daydreaming. By working with your subconscious mind, we will find out the underlying causes of your emotional suffering, and establish desired outcomes for you. To achieve this, we will use various techniques like Inner Child Therapy, Regression, Parts Therapy, Gestalt Therapy, Rewind Technique, and more.