Through hypnotherapy for hair pulling, you will be able to resolve various underlying emotional problems like anxiety and stress through powerful relaxation techniques. The hypnosis for hair-pulling session will help you seek a deeply relaxed state and learn self-hypnosis, including developing your “comfortable place” and learning to access it on your own. Accordingly, whenever you’ll feel the urge to pull your hair out, you’ll be able to imagine yourself in that deeply relaxed comfortable place. Your hands will no longer seek hair for pulling them out.
You may have hair-pulling behavior because of any stressors in your life. Hypnotherapy for hair-pulling will help you to identify any underlying causal factors related to such behavior. Our online hypnotherapy for hair pulling will rewire the old neural pathways for a permanent change. However, the newly formed associations will need to be repeated in the mind until they override the previous patterns to stop hair-pulling behavior. With the conjunction of mindfulness practice, you will return to your driving seat and be in control of your own behaviors and feelings that you may have in the past and may have made you feel out of control.